Wut.uiricc, Morel' Itegt. of Foot-T. G. Morris, Gent. to Im Ensign, by
J. C. Lewis, from
Inglis. appointed to the 57th Foot. 5th Foot-Lieut.
purchase, vice ihe of the 56th Foat, to be Lieut. vice Rolduson, promoted ; Second Lieut. 0, IL Osborn to be FirA Lieut. by purchase, vice Lewis, who retires; J. A. Forrest, Beat. to be Second Licut, by purelise, vice Osborn. 6th Foot-Capt. J. Mieltol, front the Id Foot, to he Motor, by purchase, vice Algeu, who retires. 24th Fool-Ensigo F.
Spring. num the 27th Foot, to be Ensign, vie,' Stedman, promote...1 in the 2.1 West India Beet. 27th Foot-II. 11. Prior, Gem. toh Ensign, by purchase, vice Spring, ,protnted to the 24th Foot. 3211 Foot-Capt. the I Ion. C. F. Berkeley, front the half. 11:IV unattached, to be Capt. vice T. Calder, who es, hanges; Lieut. A. Mines to he
Ct;pt. by purchase, vice Berkeley, who rotires; E::-ign R. Jones to be Lieut. bv pur- dro,e, N.:icie Baines; A. Palk, Gent. to be Ensicn, pin chase, vice Jones. 42.1 Foot
-Lima. J. C. Maepherson to be Capt. by purcitw, vice Campbell, who retires; En- W. 3. II. Johnstone to be Lieut. by purebase, 'Macpherson; T. II. Cockburn, (ent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Johnstone, 49th F..ot -Ensign II. Blueliall to
It' Lieut. without porehase; Ensign G. I). Prett, front the 50th Foot, to he Eie
gip, vice Illackall ; Lieut. W. P. K. Browne to to Adjt. vice O'Callaghan, arr. 51.111t Fist-C. Mount. t.ut. tu be Ensign, without pincbase. vice Prettejohn, appointed to the 49th Foot. 5711t Foot -Capt. W. Sterne. iron half pay of the 83,1 Foul, to I e Capt. vice Donaldson, promoted; Lieut. II. Galan to be Capt. by pareha,, iCC Sterne who retires, Ensign J. Alintuty to be !Awn. by purchase, vice Gallon ; En,ign W. Inglis, from the 4:11 Foot, to be Ensign, vic.! Almudy. 70th Foot -J. A. Mae• Gent. to he Ens:go, without purchase, v it., Cooke, uppointel :o the 44111 2a West India Regt.-W. II, Clarke, Gott, to he Ensign, b.: piirdei,e, \lee Kippen,
Wil050 i/Ct'll ,'ms- 'I.
Ceylon Rifle Begt.--Secoml C. A. Chute lo lie Adjt. vice Layard, promoted. Royal African Colonial Corps-A. Strange, t to lie Ensign, u :Biota purchase. vice Donaldson, dee. LoattacIted--Brevet Major V. Y. Donaldson, F- to the 57th Foot, to be Major, with- out purchase. Brel,q -Capt. W. Sterne, of the 57th Foot, to log Maier in the Arnie. nrevet-Cot. ti. G. Smith, on half pay unattached, to be Siljt.•Gen. to the
Quoen's Troops serviug in the East Indies, s ce u 1. l'orren; Lient.•Col. A. Cloete, on half pay of Ihe 21st Light Drags. to to Deputy Qum tertnuAer.Gen. to the
TART; :wiling at the Care Good vice Cut, Smith. - _