7 MARCH 1857, Page 11


Monday, March 9. Second reading of the Income-tax Bill.

Committee of Supply. Ways and Means Committee. The Arromorr-GiontnAL—Bill to make criminal Fraudulent Breaches of Trust. Sir CHARLES Woo'—Navy Estimate.; to move Votes on Account. Mr. Guansrons—On the motion that the House go into Committee of Supply, to move, "That, in order to secure to the country that relief from taxation which it justly expects, it is necessary, in the judgment of this House, to revise and further reduce the expenditure of the State."

Lord Pausansrox—To move that on Thursdays Orders of the Day shall have pre-.

cedence of Notices of Motion.

Tuesday, March 10. Mr. KENNEDY-TO move for a Select Committee on the con duct of Public Business.

Mr, Isossx-To move for a Select Committee on the Collection and Assessment

of the Inland Revenue.

Wednesday, Harsh 11. Second reading of the Education (Cities and Boroughs) Bill.

Thursday, March 12. Mr. Ewaav—To introduce a Bill on Capital Punishment. Mr. !drum-To move Resolutions on Taxation.

Friday, March 13. Committee on Reformatory Schools Bill. Second reading of the Savings-Banks Bill.