7 MARCH 1857, Page 11


The Directors of the Great Northern Railway have issued their report. From increased receipts and slightly diminished expenses, there is an augmentation in the divisible profits of the last half-year of 24,205/. over the same period of 1866; and the Directors could. pay a dividend making the amount for the year 5 per cent on the legal amount of stock. Explanations are given with respect to Redpath. He succeeded Mr. Clark as registrar : Mr. Clark had 600/. a year, Redpath 250/. The Directors knew Redpath had speculated largely, they believed successfully, and thought he had ceased his operations.: he promised he would speculate no more. It seems his frauds began while Mr. Clark was in office. TheDireetors blame Mr. Clark he declares he was not in fault-the office was defective in organization and had not officers enough. Redpath's frauds amount to about 220,0001. Counsel have advised the Directors that they cannot pay a dividend on any kind of do& till they have bought up and extinguished stock equalto the amount fraudulently created by ltedpath, or till an act be passed legalizing the stock so issued. [Some persons compute that Redpath s property may realize 50,000/. for the benefit of the Company.] At the meeting of the Railway Passengers Assurance Company on Wed

nesday, a dividend at the rate of 4 per cent per annum was declared. The business of the company is increasing.

A. it Northern Bengal Railway" is projected, for the construction of an extension lino from the East Indian Railway at Rajnithal to Dinajpore and Darjeeling. The capital to be 2,000,0001.; a guarantee of a minimum rate of interest to be sought from the East India Company as a necessary preliminary.

The news from China caused much activity in the tea-market on Monday, and common congou sold for Is. ld. per pound : a further advance has since taken place.