PA.RLIA.MENT was formally opened on the 5th with very little ceremony, but of course no business will be trans- acted till the 19th, when it is announced the Queen's Speech will be read, and the debate on the Address begin. The only business transacted on Thursday was the re-election by both parties of Mr. Brand to the Speakership. The re-election was proposed by Mr. Chaplin, who expatiated. on the dignity of the office and the high qualifications of •Mr. Brand ; and seconded by Lord George Cavendish, who made two points,—one by saying that although one of the five oldest Members, he trusted he should not be .garrnlous,—and another by lamenting the increased respon- sibility devolving on the Chair from the absence of the constitu- tional learning of Sir G.,Grey, of Colonel Wilson Patten,4ksvho had been promoted to another—shall I &lye," andlititr. Bouvetie. Mr. Brand made a suitable acknowledgment, declaring that while he valuedparty government, he held the Speaker "bound as an honourable man to keep party attachment in abeyance," . and was inducted into the Chair. Sir Percy Herbert then, in the absence of Mr. Disraeli, who is for the moment notonger a member, congratulated the Speaker, and Mr. Gladstone described at some length his own satisfaction at the selection of Mr. Brand, and the admiration with which foreigners regarded the moderation a the Speaker and the obedience of the House. • ' '