The debate of Tuesday on Armenia, in the HOLM of
Commons, was a very feeble affair. Mr. S. Smith moved a resolution that the House regarded the sufferings of the Armenians with deep sympathy, and " trusted that further efforts would be made to ameliorate their lot," and this was passed without a division. No Cabinet Minister, however, took part in the discussion. Sir W. Harcourt stayed away from the House, and Mr. Curzon warned the Members that the Government would make no attempt to use force. Russia and Austria, he said, were all through opposed to action, and if we bad acted alone we should have been "public mis- demeanants." Certainly either that or the executioners of a just sentence; but the country is not clear which, and will not be the clearer for Mr. Curzon's speech. It is, however, too late for a discussion which can produce nothing.