[TO THB EDITOR OP THK "SPECTATOR:1 Wainewright in the Spectator of February 28th throws doubt upon my facts on strong primd -facie grounds. But truth is stranger than fiction, and I can defend myself. (1) Gilbert Heathcote, the father, was vicar of Hursley. So after his death was Gilbert Wall Heathcote, his son, unless his own curate, the Rev. W. H. Bigg-Wither, told me wrong. On Gilbert Wall Heathcote's resignation Mr. Keble was appointed to the vicarage by Sir William Heathcote, the then owner of Hursley Park. (2) Gilbert Wall Heathcote was both Bursar of Winchester College and rector of Ashe, though, at any rate in his latter years, the Bursary work was almost entirely done by J. D. Walford, Esq., the Assistant-Bursar. These are facts within my own knowledge.—I am, Sir, &c., HERBERT AWDRY. Wellington College, Berks.