Guide to the Best Fiction. By Ernest A. Baker. (Swan
Sonnenschein and Co. Be. 6d. net.)—Possibly the adjective " best " may be applied a little too liberally. Here are four hundred and eighty-seven pages (exclusive of the indices) in which fiction "superlatively good "—this is only a paraphrase of the word "best "—is catalogued. Of course, some exaggera- tion in this direction is inevitable. The compiler of such a volume is almost necessarily driven into an excess of praise. To criticise adversely would be a very serious business indeed, Still, we should have preferred to see the adjective wholly omitted, and, we are disposed to say, the limits of the work much contracted. We acknowledge, however, the difficulties of limita- tion. Without doubt this will be a useful volume. The second, or subject, index adds much to its value.