Letters to the Editor
The Reason Why Sir H. J. d'Arigdor-Goldsmid, MP. R. L. Jacomb Side Lines of History Sir Lewis B. Namier NV' Fiction Lois Mitchison, Howard Wyce,
Elizabeth Montagu, Robert Hancock
The Day the Lama Came to Tea Cyrits Brooks Roman Catholic Public Schools, Andrew Knight, Very Rev,. C. R. Leetham THE REASON WHY Sla,—Captain Henry Kerby is a more frequent attendant at the House of Commons than the total absence of his name from our debates would imply. There is therefore no excuse for the ignorance be- trayed in his article 'The Reason Why' of what the Present Government has done to reduce taxation and to build roads; he might also have known that there is now no embargo on shipments to Communist- controlled countries of any goods other than a limited number of strategic materials whose effect, on our export trade is negligible. Moreover, to argue as he does that the Colonial Office is responsible for outbursts of nationalist feeling in the territories it adMinisters is to show a naivety unworthy of your columns, although equalled by his comments on foreign affairs.
Neither on the floor of the House nor in com- mittee has Captain Kerby yet sought to set right ,t,he matters of which he complains in your pages; `Ms leaves him no valid excuse for evading his share of the blame for the decline in our party's fortunes to which he draws such marked attention and for Which we must all of us in varying degrees accept responsibility.—Yours faithfully,