should possess or rain this summer a good Honours degree pre- ersahlY in Economics with Statistics as a main "...Acct. The latter is not essential provided that Itatisties has been included in the degree course and the candidate has a good knowledge of sta- .,Ltleal methods and the handling of statistical nu. Experience desirable of work in a govern- or commercial statistical organisation or statistical research in economic analyses or laical surveys. Age limit 40. Apivintment leSILS be pensionable or on contract terms, sslilve salary seale £95943,863, point of entry salary It by experience. Gratuity of 131% of itantiointment is on contract. Income Tax at focal rates. Free passages on first appoint- tent and on leave for officer and tonsils. Liberal home leave on full salarY. Government ratters, when available, at moderate rental. Director forms and further particulars from "'rector of Recruitment, Colonial Office, Sane- tstt!,,,ry Buildings, Great Smith Street, London. Reference BCD/59/88/02. urrORTUNTTY to make a career with pro- gressive publishers offered to journalist with ...L.Lnerience of trade or specialised Journal edi- Lerial work, and an ability to write uncommonly 401-13ox 1799. PERSONNEL ASSISTANT (FEMALE) required to recruit and select secretarial and clerical staff a London head office. Applicants should he
tably qualified and preferably between 30 and
years of age. This responsible post will carry L▪ I) appropriate remuneration.-Details of age, ,ss`gacation training and experience to Box 9004.
SIDENT part-time lob for someone able to do Minnie cooking and drive. Could carry on ether occupation. Two small furnished rooms, also garage. Might suit widow; could put up son pr daughter for short periods. All mains. Morn- eels woman for housework. One lady. Village, aLis Kent. -Box 1798.
, A FISHER BUREAU, 436 Strand. W.C.2 sI ta,enost facing Charing Cross Station). All office "L (m,f). Typewriting, Duplicating. TEM. L644, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON. Ti-n71ithel M. Wood Lecture entitled 'Archeology and the Old Testament' will be delivered by Dr. Kathleen M. Kenyon, at 5.30 p.m. on March 13 at the University of London, Senate House. W.C.1. ADMISSION FREE, WITHOUT TICKET. James Henderson, Academic Registrar, WADDINGTON GALLERIES. Later works, Jack B. Yeats. Daily 9.30-6. Saturdays 9.30-1.- 2 Cork Street, W.I.
YOUNG CON'TEMPORARIES,-R.E.A. Gal- leries, Suffolk St, Last three days] Big selection from all Art Schools in Britain. Daily 10-5. Sun. 2-6. Entry Is. ed.
TOWER, 7.30. 7, 8, 9 (Mena.), 13. 14. 15 Mar. WHO CARES? by Leo Lehman. Coming: Cyrano de Bergerac. CAN 5111 (CAN 3475 before 6). Canonbury, N.1.
ALUMINIUM LADDERS, super quality. direct from factory. Save f£Ls. Send today.-Baldwin's Ladders, Risen, Mon.
AIRY YOUNG MEN RAVE about Burgess Anchovy Paste on buttered toast.
ST. IVES, CORNWALL. Accommodation in artist's old attractive house, overlooking har- bour. I.arge secluded garden.-:Box 1679. (IIMAKERISM. Information respecting the Faith and Practice of the Religious Society of Friends free on annlication to the Friends Home Ser- vice Committee, Friends House. Dugan Road, London, N.W.I.
SMOKING. New Cure, Drugless. Revealing. Wainley Course. Taggart Avenue, Liverpool.
THE LONDON SLMOOL OF BRIDGE, 38 King's Road, S.W.3. KEN. 7201.
THE NEW WAY to buy furniture offers excep- tional advantages for those spending. from £70 to £700 (or over £50 for carpets). Unlimited selection (over 100 leading manufacturers repre- sented in our Pictorial Reference Library); free consultative advice by impartial experts helps you to lind the best style and value for your needs. Final cho'cc from absolutely full ranges in nearby makers' showrooms. The Carpet Selection Centre is at same address. Outstanding purchase facilities including 200 miles free delivery; terms if desired. Write for details or come and sec this unique method pioneered by Andrews of London & Oxford (12stab. 1845). Write down the address-THE FURNITURE SELECTION CENTRE. First Floor Sales Office, Berwick House, 139/143 Oxford Street, W.I. Between Oxford Circus and Tottenham Court Road. Open till 6 p.m. on Saturday.
WE PAY Is. per lb. and refund postage for your old knitted woollens, hand or machine knitted, worn or torn. Also woollen underwear and old white wool blankets, any weight accepted. I'. A. Blakeley (Woollens) Ltd., Queen Street Mills, Ravensthorpc. Dewsbury. Yorks. Tel.: Dewsbury 17.
WHEN TIRED it Is a grand relief
To smoke Tom Long's most fragrant leaf.
UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE Residential Course on ARCILEOLOOY An advanced Course for Teachers and other students at MADINGLEY HALL, CAMBRIDGE, 2-9 August, 1958 Fee for the Course, including residence at Madinglcy Hall, £7 105. Further information may he obtained from the Secretary. Cambridge University Board of Extra-Murat Studies, Stuart House, Cambridge.
BOYS' PREPARATORY SCHOOLS.-Parents desiring vacancies and men and women seek- ing teaching appointments, also Matrons and Assistant Matrons. should apply to R. J. S. Curtis, M.A. (S), Hon. Sec., Public Relations Committee. Incorporated Association of Pre- paratory Schools, Hurst Court, Ore, Hastings.
COMMON ENTRANCE. Boys carefully coached in ideal conditions. - Headnutster, Broomhani. Guestling, near Hastings.
CAN YOU DRAW? Why not take a Home Study course In anatomy, fashion design, lay- out, poster and illustration with the FAMOUS ARTISTS SCHOOLS? We will help you to a well paid spare-time occupation in Cknumer- cial Art. Write for FREE talent test and opinion of your ability to Famous Artists Schools, 43 Westport. Godalming. Surrey.
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INVESTMENTS RECEIVED £5 to £5,000 Assets exceed £6,750,000 Reserves exceed £350,000
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EXPERT POSTAL TUITION for Examinations -Un'versity, Law, Accountancy, Costing, Secre- tarial, Civil Service, Management, Export, Com- mercial. General Cert. of Education, etc. Many (non-exam.) courses in business subjects.-Write for free prospectus and/or advice mentioning exam. or subjects in which interested to Metro- nolitnn College, 0.40, St. Albans. or call 30 Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4.
LONDON UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS. U.C.C.. etc. 1887, prepares students by post for General Certificate of Edueat'on (for Entrance. Faculty requirements, or Direct Entry to Degree). External Degrees (1).A., B.Sc., B.Sc.(Econ.), LL.B., etc.). and Diplomas. Also for G.C.E. (all other Bodies). Law Teachers Diplomas. Highly qualified Tutors, Low fees. Prospectus from Registrar, University Correspondence College. 76 Burlington House, Cambridge.
MARLBOROUGH GA T E SECRETARIAL COLLEGE oilers intensive training for high- grade secretarial appointments for graduates and other well-educated girls. New group begins 14th April. (Next group 9th June). Foreign languages. Individual attention. Excellent results. -For full details and interview apply to the Principal, 62 Bayswater Road. London. W.2. PAD. 3320.
MILTON MOUNT COLLEGE, Worth Park, Crawley. Sussex. Boarding and Day School for Girls (8-18 years (Est. 1871). Full Grammar School Course to University Entrance Standard. Large playing kids, swimming bath, gymnasium. -Apply for details to Headmistress, Miss M. L, Farrell, M.A. (Cantab).