7 MARCH 1958, Page 26

OXFORD - AND COUNTY SECRETARIAL SCHOOL, 34 St. Giles. Comprehensive Training.


OXFORD. MARLBOROUGH SECRETARIAL COLLEGE, 110A High Street. Tel.: Oxford 4349. Comprehensive training for high-grade Secretarial appointments for students of good general educa- tion. Foreign languages. Small classes. individual attention. NEW GROUP BEGINS 15th APRIL. Prospectus on application.

POSTAL TUITION for Gen. Cert, of Educ. (all examining Boards). London Univ. B.A., B.Sc.. B.Sc.Econ., B.Sc.Sociology, LL.B., BD., Degrees and D:plomas. Law and Prolessional Exams. Prospectus front C. D. Parker, MA., 'LL.D., Director of, Studies, Dept. B92. Wolscy Hall. Oxford (Est. 1894).

SECRETARIAL TRAINING, specially for uni- t/crafty graduates and older students; six-month and intensive 14-week courses.-Write Organis- ing Secretary, DAVIT.S'S, 2 Addison Road. W.14. PARK 8'392.

ST. GODRIC'S SECRETARIAL COLLEGE. Comprehensive training for all branches of secretarial work. Intensive courses for graduates. Day and resident students. English courses for foreign students. Next Secretarial Course com- mences April 15. 1958.-Apply J. W. Loveridge. M.A. (Cantab.). 2 Arkwriaht Road. Hampstead, N.W.3. Hampstead 9831.

SUMMER SCI1001, OF MUSIC. (Director of Music : William ()lock. Secretary : John Antis), 10th Anniversary, August 2-30, Darlington Hall, Devon. Festival-Holalay-School. Artists and Teachers include : Aaron Copland, Peter Pears, Julian Bream, George Malcolm, Manoug Parikian, osian Ellis, Norman Del Mar, Michel St. 1)enis, Carmirclli String Quartet, Pro Musica Antique (Director : Safford Cape), Ambro.sian Singers (Director : Denis Stevens) and Morley

College Symphony Orchestra (Director : Lawrence Leonard). 3d. stamp for illustrated prospectus to S.S. of M., 16 Eceleston Square, S.W.I.

THE TRIANGLE Secretarial College, 59-62 South Moiton Street. W.I. MAY 5306 (3 lines).


SUMMER-alausie, Poetry. Archeology and FAMILY COURSES in August.

Details from The Warden. Urchfont Manor, Nr. Devizes, Wilts.


UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM. FACULTY OP COMMERCE AND SOCIAL SCIENCE. The Faculty will shortly proceed to appoint to a Fellowship for research in the general field of the location of industry. Salary L70041.100 accordi ig to qualifications and experience. The anpoinunent will be for one year in the first instance. with possibility of renewal annually for two subsequent years. A good honours degree and training in economic research are essential; business experience would be an ad- vantage. Applications with the names of two or three referees should be sent not later than 31 March. 1958, to the Registrar, The University, Birmingham 15.