LETTERS Country wisdom
Sir: This is not anti, just asking. Who is it exactly who grubs out hedgerows and replaces old stone walls with wire? Who demolishes old farm buildings, replaces them with tin and corrugated iron? Who slashes the country lanes with flails? Who poisons the wild flowers? Answers on a postcard, please.
Who fills the carparks of the out-of-town supermarkets? Surely country people have the freedom to boycott the Waitroses and Tescos and put them out of business if they dislike them so much. The thought of rural families in all but the most remote areas doing the weekly stock-up from old Mrs Piglet in the village shop is a good one. It would be possible of course.
Are not these things entirely in the hands of those who live in the countryside? They do not need permission to change back to the old ways. How about replanting, rebuilding walls and barns? How about each village joining together to reinstate a corner shop? I see it in my dreams.
Charlotte St Johnston
London SW