3 per Cent. Consols • • Ditto for Account 3 per Cents. Reduced 81 per Cents Reduced New 34 per Cents Long Annuities
Bank S•ock, 7 per cent.
India Stock, 10} Exchequer Bills. 24 per diem India Bonds, 34 per cent..., Sohirdae
Holiday. Tuesday.
92e 911 914 991 1001 12} 1671 39 pm. 22 pm.
14 921 92} 911 991 1001 124 168 947 40
Alabama (sterling) 5 p. Ct. -Mexican Sp. Ct
Arkausas (1863) 6 - Ditto (Deferred) 5 Austrian 5 1104exd Michigan 6 Cuba 6 - - Ohio
BBeraalaiialinan 5 - 614 Neapolitan
Buenos Ayres 6 23 New York (1855) 5 - 1024 exit Miseissippi (Sterling) ...6 (Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) 6 - 5 -
Chiliau 6 77} Pennsylvania 5
6 - Columbian of 1824 Danish 6 - 264 Peruvian 3 -
3 - - Portuguese 5 -
Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) .24 - 53 Ditto Ditto (Ditto) 5 - 101} Ditto (New) 5 - 5 - French 3 - lf. 62}c Russian
D 5 -
ex d.5 - 119r.75c Spanish
Indiana (Sterling) 5 - 19 Ditto (Passive) 28 Ditto (Deferred)
Illinois 6 - Kentucky 6 - South Carolina Louisiana (Sterling) 5 - - Tennessee Maryland 6 - United States Bank Massachussetts (sterling)5 - - Virginia 5 - SHARES.
M1NES - (Last Official Quotation dur ing the Week, ending Friday Evening.) BANKS-
- Australasian Butanes 8} British North American Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John del Rey) Colonial London and Westminster British Iron - London Joint Stock Cate Branca - National of Ireland
Candouga - National Provincial Cobre Copper .. Provincial of Ireland RAILWAYS- 161 Union of Australia Cheltenitam and Great Western
10 Union of London Eastern Counties
- Dom-
Grand Junction 93} East and West India Great Western
Liverpool and Manchester 36 St. Katherine
London and Brighton 124 MuicsmArcrous- London and Blackwell 51 Australian Agricultural London and Greenwich 182 British American Laud London and Birmingham 13} Canada Loudon and Croydon
Manchester and Leeds - General Steam
74 New Zealand , Midland Counties 65 Royal Mail Steam North Midland 31 South Australian South-Eastern and Dover 634 Van Diemen's Land South-Western
Silver in Bars. Standerd 0 4 94 Old Spanish, or pillselyourr 03• 31.17.. al. Gold, Foreign in Bars
Mexican Dollars
0 Copper, British Cakes-per ton 061. Os. to 0 0
Steel. English 82 0 0-• 80 0 Iron, British Bars 6 3 0-• 6 0 Lead, British Pig 18 10 0- IS 5 METALS.
GRAIN. Masa Lane, May 6th.
The quantity of English Wheat on sale this morning is very small, though the arrival during the week has been tolerably good. Having a very limited attendance of buyers at market, the transactions in every article are on the most confined scale possible. English Wheat barely maintains previous prices, whilst for foreign scarcely any de- mand prevails, and if sales were forced some reduction must be submitted to. The Barley trade is as dull as possible, having no demand from the maltaters, and rather lower prices continue to be taken. For Beaus and Peas the inquiry is extremely li- mited, but we do not alter our quotations. The supplies of Oats generally during the week have been moderate, but there seems no disposition to purchase, except for im- mediate wards, and some difficulty is experienced in realiziug Monday's pricse.
AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN Per Quarter (Imperini) of England and Wales. For the present Week. Wheat Mrs. rd rye 62s. lad Wheat las Rd. 1 Rye les.6‘14 Donley.. ...... 56 9 Brass ... ..... 80 5 Barley 10 0 Beans to 0
Oats, 18 0 Peas., 90 10 Oars 8 0 Peas 10 6 se..5...... , R.... ..... 0 .._ bst
Town-made per sack 535. to 57s.
Essex and So.ffolk, on board ship.- 43 - sa
Norfolk and Stockton 43 - 45 BREAD, 714. to Dd. the 41b. Loaf, BRAN per quarter Ck. to Os. POLLARD, Roe Os. to Os. BUITER-Rest Fresh, 146.0d. per dos. CHEESE. Cheshire 565. to Ws. EGGS, French... per 120 4s. Od. to 35. Od. BACON, Small New, per cwt. 455. to 28s.
HAMS, York 76s. to 86s. Carlow, el, es. toot. Os. per rat.
Derby Plan, 436. tq 63s. PROVISIONS.
HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)
CUMBERLAND. SMITHFIELD. POSTMAN. WHITECHAPES. Hay, Good 90a... 97. 55s... 140...... 80s... 93s. Os... 0
Inferior 60 .. 80 0 .. 0 Ease 0 .. 0 63 .. 134 Clover 110 .. 116 65 .,1l5 80 .. 116 72 .. Be Straw, Wheat 40 ,. 44 86 .. 40 88 .. 45 if . 441. • ., Choice Ditto 140 - 160 Sussex Pockets 125 - 110 Superfine Ditto 112 - 120
Kent Pockets ............ Iles. to 1601.
Chats • -
Ware e York Reds
middling 0 0 POTATOES.
pee ton 70s. 804
;Anima Veal Pork Ltunb Beef
NEWGATE AND EADENHALL.• SMITHFIELD.* 8 0 .. 4 .. 5 0 • 6 .510 .. 8 A
Is. 4d. to as. 4. to 9s, led. ia. fd. so Os. Od to 4s. 6d. as .. 8 .. 4 5 310 ..4 I ..4 be
5 0 .. 4 .. 5 0 4 0 .. 0 0 ..5 0 5 8 .. 0 6 2 ..o 0 ..-7 2
• T sink the olTal-per albs.
Beasts. Sheep. Calves. 381 Friday.............. ...... .... see „....... 9,sse 017 Set llaa4ty ....... .... ....... .... S.185 ........ 20,170 76 Linn-v.10H SI 0 Linsad Oil (take ter IOW 13 10
Itaitp:00.1 per tun 44L 6s, COALS, Helton tbs. Dd. CANDLES, per dozen, 06.0d. to Os ed. OILS, COALS. CANDLES. Tees 10s. 3d. Moulds (6d per Os. (Si,
45 0 TEA. Bolles, fine, Is. 6d. -1..7d.
COFFEE, fine (in bd) per cat. 122a. 145s.
SUGAR. Inu-eorado. per cm 4 Is. 413. Congou, ..... -5 5
Good Ordinary Geo. lo 82s. West India Molasses „Els. to 80s. Od. Souchong, fine...-. 1 S -3 6 • In Bond-Duty Is. Id. per lb. GROCERIES. 41 heat, Red New30 to 54 Fine 54 ..35 White 30 .. 56
Fine... .. - .56 ..
t)tilserfineNew:: O
:. Rye 86 to 88 Barley.... 23 .. 23
Malting Is .. 27
Melt, Ordinary 32.. 56
Fine Sit .. 50
Peas, Hog YO 3 Meple 81 to 82 Winte as .. 34 Boilers 34 . 86
Beans, Ticks 26 ..27 Old 36 .. SI Harrow. . BO .55
. .
Oats, Feed feta 21 Fine 21 ..22 Pohlad 54 43
Fine 25 . 55
Potato 64 „HI
Fine 27 se
BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.)
92} 91e 991 1001 121 167 247 21
Thurs. Friday.
92} 92/ 921 92/ 911 911 991 99} 100} 1001.
121 12e 167} 168 2484 2484
39 39
21 21 5 p. Ct. 6 -
321 104
72 so ,
50 19 224 874 1191 434 " 49 124 01
51} 34 26 224
121 -
15 '
41} 29}
94 105 80