On the 24th March, at the residence of her father, Major-General Staveley, C.B., Commanding Poonah division of the army, Mrs. Anson, Wife of Captain Talavera Vernon Anson, R.N., of a son. On the 27th April, in Wilton Place, the Hon. Mrs. Ralph Dutton, of a daughter. On the 27th, at Lochnaw Castle, N.B., the Lady Louisa Agnew, of a daughter. On the 28th, in Eaton Square, the Lady of Sir Henry St. John Mildmay, Bart., of son.
On the 28th, at Stafford House, St. James's, Lady Constance Grosvenor, of a son. On the 30th, at Ruddington Manor, Notts, the Wife of Sir Thomas Parkyne, Bart, of twins—a son and a daughter. On the let May, in Westbourne Terrace, Hyde Park, Lady Walker, of a son. On the let, at Edinburgh, the Wife of C. G. Du Pre, Esq., M.P., of a daughter. On the 2d, in South Street, the Wife of the Right Hon. Edward Strutt, M.P., of a daughter.
MARRIAGE& On the 8th April, at Boolundshur, Allan, third son of Joseph Hume, Esq., M.P., to Mary Anne, second daughter of the late R. F. Grindall, Esq., C.B. On the 14th, at the Queen's Chapel, Gibraltar, by the Rev. John Buchanan, Garrison Chaplain, Captain George Freud, Twenty-sixth Cameronians, second son of Benjamin Frend, Esq., of Rocklow, county of Tipperary, to Emily Hester Mary. youngest daughter of his Excellency Lieutenant-General Sir Robert Gardiner, K.C.B. and K.C.H., Governor of Gibraltar.
On the 23d, at the British Legation, Florence, Theodore Howard, eldest son of J. Howard Galton, Esq., of Hadzor, Worcestershire, to Frances Amelia, fourth daughter of the Right Hon. Sir George Arthur, Bart.
On the 26th, at Kempsey, near Worcester, by the Rev. H. Skipwith and the Rev. G. L. Foxton, Captain Skipwith, R.N., fourth son of the late Sir Gray Skipwith, Bart., of Newbold Hall, Warwickshire, to Louisa Maria, second daughter of Richard Temple, Esq., of the Nash, near Worcester. On the 26th, at New Brentford, the Rev. Charles Hill, of Staverton, Northampton- shire, to Cecilia Clinton, third daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel Baddeley, Royal Engineers.
On the 28th, at Edensor, Derbyshire, G. H. Stokes, Esq., to Emily, eldest daughter of Sir Joseph Paxton, of Chatsworth. On the 3d May, at St. Andrew's Church, Plymouth, Thomas Francis Rolt, Esq., late of the Coldstream Guards, second and youngest son of Major-General Sir John Holt, K.C. and K.C.B., of GreatCumberlaud Place, Hyde Park, to Mary Charlotte, second daughter of Captain George Foot, Royal Artillery, of Tor Grove, near Ply- mouth.
On the 3d, at St. John's, Paddington, the Rev. Leonard Graham Clarke. Rector of Kinnersley, Herefordshire, to Lavinia, youngest daughter of the late Lieutenant- General Rumford.
On the 26th April, at Newington Lodge, Edinburgh, Thomas Oliver, Esq., late of the firm of Oliver and Boyd ; in his 77th year. On the 28th, at Jersey, Neil 51•Chlery, Esq., of Plantation Success, Demerara ; in his 29th year.
On the 29th, at Tingewick, Bucks, the Rev. John Risley, M.A., Rector of Thorn- ton, Bucks, and of Ashton, Northamptonshire; in his 83d year. On the 30th, at the Deanery, Peterborough, the Very Rev, George Butler, D.D., Dean of Peterborough, formerly Head Master of Harrow School.
On the Id May, at Theydon Bois, Essex, Diana, wife of the Rev. George Hamble- ton, and eldest daughter of the late Sir Thomas Whichcote, Bart., of Aewarby Park, Lincolnshire; in her 67th year.
On the 3d, in Newington Terrace, Kennington Common, Thomas Shepherd, Esq.; in his 95th year.
On the 4th, on board the Monarch, when near Falmouth, on the voyage from India, the Marchioness of Dalhousie.