IRELAND. At a meeting of the Tralee Board of Guardians,
held last week, it was resolved, by a majority of 14 to 6, to support the extension of the Incoine- tax to Ireland. Mr. James O'Connell, the brother of the late Daniel O'Connell, was the chief advocate of the Government proposition. He remarked that he would have to pay on what little property he possessed,
The Waterford Hail reports that crime of every description has nearly altogether ceased in that now peaceable and well-disposed county.
Three people were hanged at Ennis last week—Richard Stackpoole and his wife, and Honors Stackpoole. They were convicted of the murder of a rela- tive ; Honora's husband would have been tried also but that he was despe- rately ill at the time. The gibbet at Ennis was not large enough for all three to be hanged at the same moment : Richard and his wife suffered first, and when their bodies had been removed Honors was executed. but the majority of the Guardians would not have to pay one farthing. Besides, the Government had as much right to lay on the Income-tax as to levy the Consolidated Annuities, which were originally advanced on the express condition that they should be a lien upon land.
Wool, which in Galway was worth only 18s. 6d. last October, now sells for 14 3s. 6d., thanks to the short supply from Australia.