An extraordinary telegram, dated Marseilles, was received in London on
Thursday. It announces that on the 28th April General Kotzebue, in command of 60,000 Russians, had encamped "at the mouth of the Danube," and would be joined by 20,000 more. The Porte has increased the army in Roumelia to 150,000 men, and the fortresses in the Black Sea and the Dardanelles are to be immediately armed. What does it all mean ? Is the Eastern question on us again; or is this the arrangement on which, accord- ing to Prince Gortschakoff, the four Powers were in accord ; or is the whole story simply an invention ? The alarm of the Turks certainly does not suggest that they are parties to an invasion of the Principalities, and Austria is not likely to be greatly pleased with a Russian encampment on the Danube.