The Pope has assumed a new character—that of the Protector
of subjects massacred by the command of their sovereign. After a recent consistory he made a speech„ declaring that a "powerful Sovereign whose dominions extend to the Pole •' pursued "the Polish nation with savage cruelty," that he had undertaken the impious work of introducing heresy into Poland by force, that Catholic priests had been torn from their flocks, and that "finally this pro. sumptuous ruler had assumed a power which the Vicegerent of Christ does net even possess. After be had torn our much beloved son the Archbishop of Warsaw from his diocese, banished him, and kept him in confinement, he has dared to remove him from the office we had intrusted to him." The sincerity of this perfectly just denunciatiou'imaybe estimated when it is remembered that it is this Pope who blesses the gangs of brigands sent into Naples. If the Romanoffs were Catholics, the Pope would sell them the whole Polish nation for a concordat securing the con- vents.