7 MAY 1898, Page 13


(To TEL EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.'] SIR,—The following is not a "bull," but something better. It comes from the northern part of the island. Walkiug with a friend to a hill in the neighbourhood from which a fine view could be obtained, my friend, not certain of the way, asked an old woman in a cottage if she could direct us to V—. Her immediate answer was "Sure, and I can, and there's nothing to see when ye get there." Confident that the speaker only wanted to be drawn out, I remarked "That is a pity ! when I have come all the way from England on purpose to see it ; " which elicited the immediate rejoinder "God bless ye ! sure, then, ye haven't much to do when ye're there!" Where would the like be met with outside the

Emerald Isle P—I am, Sir, &c., C. W. H. KENRICK, Vicar of Caversham, Iteatling.

United University Club, Pall Mall East, S. W.