May Day in London was the occasion of a Labour
demon- stration in Hyde Park which was more imposing than usual. About eight thousand persons marched from the Embank- ment with bands and banners, and some two thousand children were brought in brakes by the Socialist Sunday School Union. Messrs. Herbert Burrows, Ben Tilled, and Victor Grayson were the chief speakers. The resolution carried simultaneously at all the platforms demanded "free maintenance of all children in the national schools, the organisation of unem- ployed labour on useful and productive work, an eight hours' working day, such amendment of the Old-Age Pensions Act as will secure adequate pensions for the aged and incapable, universal adult suffrage, payment of Members and election expenses, and proportional representation." The inclusion of proportional representation in a resolution of this kind is very interesting, and marks the rapid progress which the idea of this most desirable reform is making.