7 MAY 1948, Page 14

Homing Swallows

The following experience is reported: " In the back porch there are two nests which have been there for years. They are occupied by only one pair of swallows each year. They use one nest while sitting and during the time the brood is young, but when they are growing too big for one nest they use both. . . . This year; on April 21st, two pairs made their appearance, and there was considerable commotion until they decided which pair was to remain." Several problems arise from this queer occurrence. It seems most likely that some of the young inherited a memory of their home and returned to it, unless the original pair had an unusually long life. I know only one pair of birds that keep two nests going and use one or the other year after year. They are ravens dwelling in a North Devon wood ; but the raven is doubtless one of the longest lived of all our birds.