SIR,—Every friend of Austria will be thankful to you for publishing Mrs. Helene Scheu-Riesz's article Vienna Rediviva in your issue of April 30th. Mrs. Scheu-Riesz writes that the Viennese sat in the Opera House in their overcoats, when there was not enough fuel to heat the house. But the Viennese did even more. Undernourished, badly clad, exposed to the cold and all inclemencies of the weather, depressed by the occupation of their country, they worked very hard and increased production to a remarkable extent. A few figures will illustrate the notable achievement of the Austrian worker. Coal output has risen from 21 million tons to 3 million tons, iron ore from 460,000 to 885,000 tons, magnesite from 91,000 to 250,000 tons ; scythes and sickles rose by 45 per cent. ; soda increased from 3,300,000 to 5,900,000 tons, paper from 94,800 to 113,300 tons. These few figures show the will and the
ability of the Austrians to contribute to the reconstruction of Europe.—
I am, Sir, your obedient servant, E. MULLER-STURMHEIM. Secretary British Austrian Chamber of Commerce. 29 Dorset Square, N.W.r.