Sut,—During the list few weeks there has been great publicity for the Lord Mayor of London's United Nations Aid for Children Appeal (U.N.A.C.). It is hoped that as a result the public will respond in such large numbers as to make the work of all those engaged in children's relief free from financial worry. Until the money has been collected and the amount assessed, no allocation can be made to those organisations which may qualify for grants. As a result of the widespread publicity for this fund all other appeals have been greatly affected. This means that during the period between the closing of the U.N.A.C. appeal and the time of distribution (which may be a period of several months) the work of those now carrying out children's relief is starved of support. It would be tragic if plans now being prepared for the relief of Italian, German and British children had to be curtailed just when the desire to help is manifestly so strong. We should welcome financial help to cover this gap which is in danger of preventing us from fulfilling the work we have already begun. Cheques or postal orders would be acknowledged by Dame Sybil Thomdike, Hon. Treasurer, International Help for Children, 43 Parliament Street, London, S.W.1.—Yours truly, SYBIL THORNDIKE, D.B.E.
(Hon. Treasurer),
(Organising Secretary).
International Help For Children, 43 Parliament Street, S.W.x.