7 MAY 1948, Page 16


SIR,—Mr. Martin Cooper's criticism of 11 Seraglio at The Theatre Royal, Bath, was probably justified. The production was an experiment which emphasised the dramatic story and weakened the music. But is he justi- fied in giving a wrong reason for the omission of the great aria Marten Aller Arlen? In commenting on the singing of Margaret Ritchie as Constanze he. speaks of her voice as " being thin and quite lacking in heroic character (so that her great aria Marten Aller Arten had to be omitted)." In the interest of truth may .I be permitted to say that that aria was omitted as not being in keeping with the producer's idea of the gentle character of Constanze.—Yours faithfully, NELLIE CARSON. 20 Chesham Place, S.W.i.