Over many laws
Sir: I applaud your journal's recent, very timely criticism of the weight of repres' sive legislation now burdening our once' free nation. At this time we might consider the ways of the Locrians, a people of ancient Greece. They, having once been greatly addicted to piracy, eventually became enthusiastic and lawabiding upholders of democracy. However, theY had the good sense to insist on one important safeguard. Anyone wanting t° introduce a new law to bind his fellow. citizens had first to propose it for Public debate having ready a noose hanging about his neck. If the proposed law Was rejected as being against the community interests, he whose brain-child it Was suffered immediate death by hanging. Such a system could have preserve u British islanders from the myriad laws some petty, some vicious — which have s° shackled the British race that it can 11° longer call its mind or its life its own. Jean Williams
9 Vesta Street, Sutherland, New South Wales, Australia