Ark covenanted
Sir: The late Dr Hugh Plommer was held in the warmest affection by all his colleagues in the Faculty of Classics in Cambridge, so a tribute to him (9 April) is in principle very welcome. Gavin Stamp, however, by mak- ing his own all Dr Plommer's most extreme prejudices, has managed to be a bit unfair to Cambridge and to give impressions that don't altogether correspond with what is true. The 'Ark', the old Museum of Classical Archaeology, was on a hundred- year lease, and the University has known all along that at the end of that time Peterhouse were likely to need to take back the site for collegiate purposes. In its place the University has built an excellent building for the Classical Faculty on the `Sidgwick Site', with a top-lighted gallery in which the whole collection of casts of an- cient statuary is reinstalled, quite intact. In the new building the libraries of the 'Ark' and of the Classical Faculty are at last united, to the satisfaction of all users and the benefit of scholarship.
J. L. Crook Chairman of the Faculty of Classics, St John's College, Cambridge