Messy Labour
From Julian Pack
Sir: Peter Oborne’s article ‘Victory will prove a humiliating experience for Tony Blair’ (Politics, 30 April) is another outstanding piece. Mr Oborne never disappoints in both his incision and precision. Again he has raised key issues about Mr Blair that very few other commentators are prepared to put on paper. I agree with him that the best thing for the Conservatives is to lose this election and for Labour to win (I think a 60–80 seat majority); if the Tories won, they would inherit Labour’s problems and probably lose the subsequent election. No, it is better for Labour to win, hands tied by the lack of an overall majority, and be left to muddle through all their self-inflicted problems of the previous two terms. Why should anyone but them have to clear up the mess in Iraq? The electorate will have a chance to see that Labour has done nothing of stature for the country other than embark upon wars of vanity and giving in to bleeding hearts about fox-hunting — a preoccupation that in the light of real domestic problems affecting real people I find quite sickeningly immoral.
Julian Pack Skopje, Macedonia