FROM THE LONDON cAzorrEs. Tuesday, Nov. 3.
PARTNERSHIPS D1SS 0 LVED.-Mayhew and Tween, Mark-lane, corn-factors-J. and Neck, Strand, engravers-Lord and Co. Manchester, packers ; as far as regards
Webb-Heaton and I bnvorth, Liverpool, masons-Briddon and Co. Oldham, cottonitpinners-Chuter and Thunisom'rokenhouse-yard-Colson and Mayhew, Clopton, coachproprietors-Harrison and Gellatly, London-road, surgeons-Mud:or.] rind II uitson, Cloth Fair, woollen-drapers-T. and '1'. Vine, Corsley, Wiltshire, clothiers-Clowes and 13 ro wn, Thetford, iron I ngers-Lace and Co. Liverpool, attorni es-Ashcroft anal Hilton;, Liverpool, millers-Budd and Francis, St. Philip and Jacob, Gloucestershire, curriersBrierley and Co. Blanchester, call Co-printers-Tull and Shirtliffe, Greenwich-fleck :tild Bromley, Lambeth-walk, citeustanongers-Reciman mid Hutchison, Titchborne-streot, milliners-Fisher and Cu. Cock spur-street, silversmiths ; as far as regards Fisher-Mathias and Price, Oxford-street, chemists-Floyd and Darby, Bell-wharf, Lower Shadwell, coal-merchants.
BANKRUPTCIES SU PER SEDED.-J. LONG, Manchester, saddler-E. WooDwAap, Chelmsford, linen-draper.
BANKRU PTS.-[To surrender at the Bankrupts' Court, Basinghall-street.1-W. C. Paits to sr, Exmouth-street, cheosemonger, Nov. 6, 13, Dec. 13 : solicitor, Mr. Coombe, Tokenhouse-yard -W. NOT 11 ERSOL E, sett. Park-place, Regent's-park, livery-stablekeeper, Nov. 13, 27, Dee. 15 : solicitors, Robinson and Sons, Half Moon-street-J. S LOU A N, Maidstone, timber-merchant, Nov.20, Dec. 1, 15 : solicitor, Mr. Blake, Essexstreet-C. SMITH, Old City Chambers, wine-merchant, Nov. 10, 17, Dec. 15 : solicitor, 111r. Crucksh auk, Coleman-street-A. 1IAcKnxToSii, Conduit-street, merchant, Nov. 10, 17, Dec. 15 : solicitors, Gat ty and Co. Throgmorton-areet-G. Cow's and W. STRANGE, Paternoster-row, booksellers, Nov. 10, 17, Dec. 15 : solicitors, Fox and Meek, Old Jewry -W. A. Hon 11.1 Y, Pall-moll, picture dealer, Nov. 6, 13, Dec. 15 : solicitor, Mr. Bostock, George-street, Mansion-honse-J. TR u a s, jail. Upper Holloway, lapidary, Nov. 10, 13, Dec. 15 : solicitor, Mr. Norton, Jewin-street-T. C it E. N, Coleman-street, Blackwellhall-factor, Nov. 10, 13, Dec. 13 : solicitor, Mr. Tanner, New Basinghall-street-J. Poi LE, Westimathly, dealer, Noy. 6, 13, Dec. l. : solicitor, Mr. Bannister, Brunswicksquare-T. LA:a MilLT, New llond-street, upholsterer, Nev.13, 17, Dec.15 c solicitor, Mr.
Bonct-court, Walbrook-R.IzzAaii, Gun-alley, Bermondsey, leather-dresser, Nov. 6, 13, Dee. I 5 : solicitor, Mr. Ilailston a, Lyon's Inn-C. P. Wit I TA KER., Waked. place, Latnbeth, wine-rnerehant, Nov. 10, 13. Dec. 15 : solicitor, Mr. Housman, Bondcourt, Walhrook-J. BEALE, Winchester, draper, Nov. 20, Dec. 4, 13 : solicitor, Mr. Ashurst, Netvgate-strect-D. 111.unen EN, East Dialling, paper-maker, Nov. 13, 17, Dec. 13 : solicitors, Brace and Son, Surrey-street, Strand.
BAN I; a U PT S ['is SU ereoder in Me Count ry.] -W. 11 ow e R, Moorgate, Nottim;hamshire, seed-merchant, Nov. 20, Dec. 13 : solicitors, Allen and Co. Carlisle-street, Sohosquare mid Hannam and Son, East Retford-J. u.s vuoix, Wigton, grocer, Nov. 13, 14, Dec. 15 : solivitors, Dir. Nicol, Queen-street ; and Mr. Willis, Wigton-J. Lows:, Ashted, Warwickshire, dealer in ham, Nov. 9, 11, Dee. 13 : solicitors, Mr. Walker, Exchequer-ollice ; and Mr. Moakley, lii rmingham-s. Toon ex, Birmingham, victualler, Nov. 9, 11, Dec. 15 : Clarke and Co. Lincoln's-i no-fields and Tindall and Rawlins, Birmingham-R. 111.ts s, Birmingham, draper, Dec. 4, 5, 15 : solicitors, Mr. Capes, Gray's-inn ; and Mr. Burman, Birmingliam-T. FREI:a, Birmingham, druggist, Nov. 9, 11, Dee. 15 : solicitors, Austen anti Hobson, Gray's-inn; and lturrish and Sons, Birmingham-R. J. FRosr, Abergavenny, grocer, Nov. 17, 18, Dec. IS: solicitors, Mr. Henderson, Surrey-street, Strand; arid Mr. Goolden, Bristol-J. Hop maci N, j1.111. BYIVIf0014001', Yorkshire, wool-stapler, Nov. 17,18, Dec. 13 : solicitors, Mr. Emmett, Non'inn; and Messrs. Alexancler, Halifax-P. II ALFY NNW, Exeter, auctioneer, Nov. 14, 16, Dee. 15 : solicitors, Dlr. Jones, Crosby-square ; and Mr. flellings, Bath-J. jolt Liverpool, wine-merchant, Nov. 24, 23, Dee. 1.5: solicitors, Battye and Co. Chancerylane ; and Messrs. Crump, hiverpool-D. rtLTDGE, Leominster, surgeon, Nos-. 14, 25, Dec. 15 : solicitors, Mr. smith, Basingliall street ; nail Coates and Hammond, Leominster-W. B. Moro: AN, Gloni.ester, near Bristol, dealer in wtiolleu cloths, Nov. 17, IS, Dee. 15 : soliciters, Dlr. Britton, I tasingball-street :old Bevan and Britton, Bristol.1. LACCOIIEE, Norwich, manufacturer, Nov. 17, IS, Dec. 15 : solicitors, Mr. Austin, South-square, Gray's-inn ; and Mr. Staff, Norte: eh-J. 1112.0 iVN, Great Yarmouth, and S. Itn ow N, Little Yarmouth, maltsters, Nov. 19, 20, Dec. 13 : solicitors, White and Borrett, Great St. Helen's ; and Mr. Worship, Great Yarmouth-T. P. linos ON, West Bromwich, hone-merchant, Nov. 2, 13, lice. 13 : solicitors, Norton and Chaplin, Gray'sinn , and Hawkins and Richards, Birmingham. I) mviii it N1JS. Nov. 13, Badeock, Gutter-lane, warehouseman -Nov. 24, Wright, Theobald's-road, builder-Nov. 9, Dorrinaton, Birmingham, brass-founcier-N, iv. 23, English, Birmingham, draper-Nov. 23, Firth, Wickens, Yorkshire, clothier-Nov.
W. and F. J. Stone, Bath, coach-makers-Nov. 24, J. and W. 11. Meyer, Old Broadstreet, nterchants-Nov. 27, Hancock, Manchester, innkecper-Dec. 2, Gates and Cornfield, Northampton, drapers-Dec. 2, crate, Manchester, tailor-Dec. 2, Thompson, Cambridge, stone-mason-Dec. 23, Wilson, Cambridge, jeweller-Nov. 26, Roebuck, Huddersfield, wholesale grocers-Nov. 24, Longhursr, Reigate, ironmonger-Nov. 26, Clarke, Marlborough, linen-draper-Nov. 26, W. and II. Breedon, Rudclington, Nottinghamshire, horsealealers-Dec. 1, Park. Anstinfriars, merchant-Nov. 17, Slayer, Somerset-street, carpenter-Nov.24, Abitbul,Bury-street, merchant-N; iv. 24, J. and II. Jones, Grafton-street, brass-founders-Nov. 24, Clerke, Cherry-tree-court, Aldersgate-street, watch-manufacturer-Nov. 24, Stalker and Welch, Leadenhall-street, slopsellers-Nov. 24, Rose, Jerusalem Coffee-house, and York-street, merchant-Nov. 23, Corset. and Co. Whitchurch, bankers-Nov. 23, Horner, Liverpool, merchant-Dec. 8, Moore, Birmingham, victualler-1>ec. 8, Whitcomb, jun. Kidderminster, hatter-Nov. 2C1, Bethell, Liverpool, 111PYChallt.
CEILTI PI nitres to be granted, unless cause he shown to the contrary, on or hepre Nor. 24.-De Carle, Norwich, grocer-Wilcock, Not tingham, grocer-Cowell, Gibraltar and Liverpool, nierehant-W., It., and C. Chadwick, Oldham, machine-makers-Voile, Mazepond, Southwark, carpenter-Fletcher, Pendleton, Lancashire, dyer-Broomfield, Lou. don-road, pork notn-Coiler, London-wall, wine-merchant-W. and W. Jones, Highstreet, Nensitigton, builders.
SCOTCH See u asTame ox.-L. BLAcsts, Edinburgh, merchant, Nov. 12, 26, at the Sheriff-Clerk's-Mlice, Edinburgh.