7 NOVEMBER 1829, Page 9


A cortasspossugeer, has informed us that this Society held its first meeting for the season on Thursday, in the Crown and Anchor, under the direction of Mr. Gistsans ; and that the music for the evening con

sisted of MOZART'S Litany in B HummEee's Mass in E 1,, and a selection from HAYDN'S Passione. From the same source we learn, that the Society met very numerously; and with every prospect of permanence and improvement. We were not ignorant of the existence of this very respectable school for practice; and its increasing prosperity we gladly hail as an earnest of that wider cultivation of classical music, which we believe is slowly but surely diffusing itself throughout flue country. The pieces selected for this evenings' performance bespeak the knowledge as well as the good taste of the Society ; and it is quite impossible that compositions of so high a rank, (and these are of the very highest) can much longer be known only in private ciseles, and be performed only by amateurs. They must force their svay to public notice and public admiration. The Sacred Music of IIAvoN, MOZART, and BE ETHOVEN, is as much unknown in London as was their Instrumental Music previous to the existence of the Philharmonic Society. Yet, of its kind, it is at least equally excellent ; and were it offered to the public under circumstances equally attractive,—were our singers to unite with the same zeal, and the same desire to accomplish the end by the best possible means,—the result would be equally successful.