7 NOVEMBER 1846, Page 20


denims-At Gravesend, 3d Nov. Lahore, Carpltn, from Ceylon ; 4th, Zemindar, Pardon, from Calcutta ; and ()wailer, Edwards, !tom Bombay ; and 7th, Australia, Blanchard, from Sourabaya. In the Downs, 4th, Fortitude, Christmas, from Ceylon; 5th, Belle Alliance, Hillman, from Calcutta; and Rambler, Gruchy, from Mauritius. Off Swanage, 3d, Perseverance, Corkhill, from Sydney. At Falmouth, 5th, Madonna, Miller, from Maulmain. At Liverpool, 31st Oct. Tigris, Mawson, from Calcutta; and Colonist, 31'0111, from Madras ; 9th Nov. Duncan, Fawcett, and Henry Gardener, Kemp, from Calcutta ; 5th, Jeremiah Garnett, Davies, from Shangbae ; and Patriot Queen, Adamson, from Calcutta. In the Clyde, 1st, Chevalier, Stykes, from Batavia. At Dublin, 3d, Fairy Queen, Richardson, from Calcutta. Off Cork, 3d, Letitia, Thorpe, from Batavia. At St. Helena, previous to 20th Sept.. Alexander Baring, and John Bartlett, from Singapore ; Assam, M'Alpine, and Bounty Hall, Roscoe, from Calcutta; Wanderer, Potteson, from Madras ; and Colchester, Withers ; and John Oldham, Can- vey, from Bombay. At Ceylon, 31st Aug. Anna Watson, Sterling, from Bristol. At Madras, 19th Sept. Martin Luther, Hutton ; and 23d, Barham, Gimblett, from London. At Calcutta, 17th, Buenos Ayreau, Browne, from Liverpool ; and General Palmer, For- syth, from Cork ; 18th, Orator, Tayt, from London ; and Palestine, Stubbs, from Liver- pool ; and 19th, Barbara, Baker, from Bristol. At Hobart Town, 19th June, Rajah,. Fergusson; Mayflower, Headly ; and Arequipa. Cregg, from London.

SAILED-From Gravesend, 3d Nov. Soubandar, Umfreville, fbr Sydney.

SATURDAY MORNING.-ARRIVED-In the Downs, 6th Nov. Sharp, Mallet, from Cey- lon. Off Falmouth, ditto, Fortesque, Felten, from Mann'. At Swansea, 2d ditto, Emn, Smith, from South Australia.