Tuesday, Nov.3.
Wragg and Co. Liverpoot, cutlers-Blackburn and Puzey, Dorking, linendrapere-:- Spendlove and Butterworth, John Street North, NewBoad, dealers in saddlery-Clarke and Co. Manchester-G. and G. W. Yates, Old Bond Street, commission-agents for the sale of works of the fine arts-Bodstein and Bellamy, Bread Street, lithographers- Rogers and Co. Newport, Isle of Wight, chemists-Tatham and Co. Walley, Yorkshire,. worsted-spinners ; as far as regardsJ. Wainhonse-Mack and CO. Burnham Overy, Norfolk, corn-merchants-T. and W. Copland, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, druggists-Ben- nett and East, Charrhigton Street, St. Pancras, victuallers-pelf and Burton, Buxted„ Sussex, farmers-Marshall and Co. Fenchurch Street, grocers ; as far as regards 3. Barnett-Dod and Wray, Great Marlborough Street, attornies-Horneastie and Mb- herd and Hibberd and Co. Hull, commission-agents-Stubbs and Ateolom, Rood Lane, grocers-Booth and Kellett, Halifax, short-wool-dealers-Holdsworth and Co. East Jarrow, Durham-Preece and Evans, Lothbury, stock-brokers-S. and B. Bastes, Sand- gate, Kent, plumbers-W. and E. Weston, Leicester, hosiers-Stevenson and Co. Man- chester, manufacturers of fancy-trimmings-Gourlay and Co. Glasgow, distillers-A. and J. Fell, Edward's Terrace, Kensington, milliners.
EVERITT, EDwur Citroen, Sidmouth, share-broker.
PAYNE, HENRY, Goulden Terrace, White Conduit Fields, builder.
SMITH, WILLIAM, Tanner's Hill, Deptford, potato-dealer.
BOLAND, JonN, Manchester, hard-wareman.
BURTON, DANIEL and Jonar, Middleton, Lancashire, cotton-spinners, to surrender Nov. 13, Dec 3 : solicitors, Mr. Bower, Tokenbouse Yard ; Messrs. Stddall and Co. Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Hobson, Manchester.
Caow, ROBERT, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, draper, Nov. 13, Dec. 11 : solicitors, Messrs. Chlsholme and Co. Lincoln's Inn Fields ; Mr. Harte, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; official assignee, Mr. Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
DENT, MARY, York, bookseller, Nov. 17, Dec. 8 : solicitors, Messrs. Jaques and Co. Ely Place ; Mr. Wood, York ; official assignee, Mr. Hope, Leeds.
HALL, JOSEPH, Carlisle, victualler, Nov. 16, Dec. 15 : solicitors, Messrs. Hill and Mathews, St. Mary Axe ; Mr. Hoyle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; official assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
KING, Juno, Buckingham, scrivener, Nov. 12, Dec. 17; solicitor, Mr. Risley, Fare- vat's Inn ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basiughall Stnet, Kmony, GEORGE, Weybridge, dealer in manure, Nov. 12, Dec. 17: solicitor, Mr. Sadgrove, Mark Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Bell, Coleman Street.
RODEN, SAMUEL, Wellington, Shropshire, brewer, Nov. 14, Dec. 8 : solicitors, mesas. Motteram and Knowles, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham.
Taostss, Thomas, Ibstock, Leicestershire, draper, Nov. 14, Dec. 8: solicitors, Mr. Cowdell, Hinckley ; Mr. James, Birmingham ; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham.
WILCKE, &Luau, Fore Street, Cripplegate, milliner, Nov. 12, Dec. 19 : solicitor, Mr- Pike, Old Burlington Street ; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birchin Lane.
WOOD, LYDIA and CnAaLes HENRY, Willow Walk, Bermondsey, carpenters, Nov. 20, Dec. 14 : solicitors, Messrs. Peace and Jones, Tooley Street ; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street.
Nov. 24, Poynter, St. Paul's Churchyard, warehouseman-Nov. 24, Brace and Allen, Mitre Court, Milk Street, warehousemen-Dec. 1, Graham, Jewry Street, Aidgate, wholesale stationer-Nov. 26, Rowse, Neptune Street, Rotherhithe, baker-Nov. 26, Thorley, Newman Street, Oxford Street. cabinet-maker-Nov. 26, Evans, Coppice Row, Clerkenwell, beer-shop-keeper-Nov. 27, Kitson, White Street, Southwark, soap-manu- facturer-Nov. 25, Sewell, Great Dunmow, Essex, grocer-Nov.26, Clarkson, Barnsley, Yorkshire. plumber-Nov. 26, Park, Leeds, woollen-cloth-manufacturer-Nov. 26, Hanson, Leeds, builder-Nov. 27, Watts, Doncaster, millwright-Nov. 27, J. J. C. and
W. Cockcroft, Addingham, Yorkshire, stuff-manufacturers-Nov. 27, Hutchlnson, Sun- derland, tea-dealer--Nov. 27, Taylor, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, grocer-Nov. 27, Holt, Manchester, banker-Nov. 26, Clarke, Plymouth, innkeeper-Nov. 24, Antrobus, Aud- ley, Staffordshire, apothecary.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. Nov. 27, Browne, Ferdinand Terrace, Hampstead Road, surgeon-Nov. 24, Newstead, Regent Street, lacernan-Nov. 25, Mathews, Great Dover Road. glass-merchant-Nov. 24, Mitchell, Finsbury Place South, furniture-dealer-Nov. 26, Bird, North Shields, Ilnendraper-Nov. 27, Brooks. Glastonbury, currier -Dec. 3, Scott, Bath, seedsman- Dec. 1, England, Minchinhampton, Gloucestershire. clothier-Dec. 4, Barret, Stroud, wood-turner-Nov. 24, Jones, Liverpool, saddler-Dec. 8. Grant, Kidderminster, tailor -Dec. 5, Higgins, Birmingham, laceman-Nov. 26, Hawley, Ashton-under-Line, gro- oar-Dee. 3, Fenton, Llanelly, Carmarthenshire, brickmaker.
To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before November 24.
Foley, Stoke Newiugton Green, victualler-Wildey, Oxford Street, hatter-Speller, Berners Street, tea-dealer-Maggs, Bristol, Unendraper-Kirkham, Pimlico. butcher- 0111, Richmond, Yorkshire, grocer-Tew, Halifax, corn-dealer-Shorrell, Ludgate Street, tailor-Sorby, Sheffield, scrivener-Gill, Liverpool, wine-merchant.
Rothchild, Bristol, watchmaker ; div. of Is. 2d. Nov. 4, or any subsequent Wednes- day; Mr. Hutton, Bristol-Lewis, Wootton-under-Edge, woollen-manufacturer ; first div. of 64. Nov. 4, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Hutton, Bristol-Lovell, Hen- stridge Marsh, Somersetshire, baker ; div. of Is. 3d. Nov. 4, or any subsequent Wed- nesday; Sir. Hutton, Bristol-Jones, Usk, Monmouthshire, linendraper; div. of 8s. 10d. Nov. 4, or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Hutton, Bristol-Marsden, Brynmawr, Brecknockshire, linendraper ; div. of 2s. 4d. Nov. 4, or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Hutton, Bristol-Taylor, Middlesbrough, coal-fitter ; sixth and final div. of 2-5ths of a penny (in addition to Gs. 2d. and 3-5ths of a penny previously declared), on any Saturday after Nov. 6; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Ayton, South Shields, linendraper ; third and final div. of 45d. (in addition to 2s. 14 previously declared), on any Saturday ; air Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Scott, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, fruit- erer; first and final div. of Is. 11d. on any Saturday after Nov. 6; Mr. Baker, New- castle-upon-Tyne-Robins, Walton, near Stone, Staffordshire, auctioneer; first div. of 4a. 24. any Thursday; Mr. Christie, Birmingham-Freeman, Wood Street, Cheapside, fringe-manufacturer; first div. of 2t. 9d. any Wednesday, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street.
MILLER, A., Strathaven, coach-proprietor, Nov. 9, 30.
PA.REER, P. B., Glasgow, warehouseman, Nov. 6, 30.
STRACHAN, J., Glasgow, shipowner, Nov. 9, 30.
Friday, Nov. 6.
Varney and Co., Birmingham, whip-manufacturers-Marshall and Stones, Sheffield, edge-tool manufacturers-Garrard and Rotherham, Leicester Square, lineodrapeni- Hastings and Tatham, Rochdale, machine-makers-Richardson and Rogers, Kirkham, Lancashire, maltsters-Pethcrick and Anderson, Exeter, decorative painters-Ashwith and Simpson, York, proctors-Jones and Davies,Newtown, Montgomeryshire, mercers -Simons and Co., Kingston-upon-hull, paint-manufacturers , as far as regards R. J. Sisson-Gandell and Brunton, Birkenhead, civil engineers-Knight and Young, Lud- gate Street, publishers-Jeynes and Buckingham, Gloucester, printers-Hills and Alia- son, Sunderland, stock-brokers-Archer and Benbow,Leicesier Square, wine-merchants -Tate and Bisshopp, Godalming, surgeons-Bray and Fenton, Leeds, engineers ; and elsewhere as E. B. Wilson and Co. ; Fenton, Craven, and Co.; and Fenton and Co. BANKRUPTS.
Aieoan, EDWARD, St. John'sWood Terrace, milliner, to surrender Nov 13, Dec. 19: solicitors, Messrs. Baylls and Drewe, BasIngball Street ; official assignee, Mr. Whit- more, Basingball Street.
Throws, JOHN, and Baowsr, THOMAS, Newport, Yorkshire, brIckmakers, Nov. 18, Dec.
9: solicitors, Messrs. Shaw and Co. Ely Place ; Mr. Thorny, ; official assignee, Mr. Kynaston, Hull.
COLLINS, WILLIAM LOUIS, Wood Street, Westminster, brewer, Nov. 26, Dec. 18 : se- nators, Messrs. Lawrence and Plows, Old Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Mr. Ed- wards, Old Jewry.
BABES, EDWARD, Merton, Surrey, auctioneer, Nov. 17, Dec. 17: solicitors, Messrs. Harrison, Hart Street, Bloomsbury ; official assignee, Mr. Bell, Coleman Street Buildings.
FLINT, Gamuts, Tamwortb, paper-manufacturer. Nov. 18, Dec. 12: solicitors, Messrs. Partridge and Taylor, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Bir- mingham.
KING, Joan, Kingsland Road, soapmaker, Nov. 16, Dec. 14: solicitors, Messrs. Over- ton and Co. Old Jewry ; officialassignee, Mr. Tienuand, Old Jewry Chambers.
LEAson, JoHN, Birkenhead, retailer of ale, N v. 17, Dec. 18: solicitors, Mr. Framp- ton, Gray's Inn ; Mr. Hillier, Birkenhead ; o al assignee, Mr. Turner, Liverpool.
Moos, JONATHAN GEORGE. Langbourne Chambers, Fenchurch Street, merchant, Nov. 14, Dec. 15: solicitors, Messrs. Simpson and. Cobb, Moorgate Street ; official as- signee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry.
Mortars, Joan, Crown Street, Finsbury, leather-seller, Nov. 18, Dec. 15: solicitors, Messrs. Lawrence and Plows, Old Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers.
NORGATE, MARY, Tavistock Square, schoolmistress. Nov. 17, Dec. 16: solicitor, Mr.
Buchanan, Basinghall Street ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basinghall Street.
PIDWELL, JOSEPH, Falmouth, Ironmonger, Nov. 19, Dec. 8: solicitors, Messrs. Redden and Co. Lime Street ; Mr. Stogdon. Exeter ; official assignee, Mr. Ilirtzel, Exeter.
RULE, JAMES, Saffron Walden, veterinary-surgeon, Nov. 20, Dec. 15 solicitors, Messrs. Bromley and Aldridge, Gray's Inn ; 3lessrS. Master and Freeland, Saffron Walden ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry.
SMITH, WILLIAM HENRY, Edgeware Road, linendraper, Nov. 12, Dec. 18 : solicitors, Messrs. Dickson and Overbury, Old Jewry ; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Guildhall Chambers.
STOUT, JAMES, Liverpool, shoemaker, Nov. 19, Dec. 14 : solicitors, Mr. Oliver, Old Jewry ; Messrs. Evans and Son, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool.
Wens, ROBERT, Harley Street, bookseller, Nov. 19, Dee. 19: solicitors, Messrs. Wim- burn and Co. Chancery Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aklermanbury.
Nov. 30, Carter, Berners Street, apothecary-Nov. 30, Blacker and Earith jun., Gresham Street, warehousemen-Nov. 28, Wildy, Oxford Street, hatter-Nov. 28, Elliott, Petworth, Sussex-Nov. 28, Harris, High Street, Southwark, tailor-Nov. 27, Teasel, Norwich, carpenter.-Nov. 27, Sydar, Fakenham, Norfolk, grocer-Nov. 28, GIs- borne, Coleman Street, merchant-Nov. 28, Erick, Hackney Road, baker -Dec. 3, Purser, Cheltenham, draper-Dec. I, Phillips, Bristol, coachmaker-Dec. 3, Thomas, 3danchester, merchant-Dec. 1, Seaton, FrIckley-cum-Clayton, Yorkshire, farmer- Dec. 2, Robinson, Beverley, spirit-merchant-Dec. 2, Morley, Hull, merchant- Nov. 28, Brown, Birmingham, ironmaster-Nov.27, Savage, Dorset Place, apothecary.
To to granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.
Dec. 1, Thorn, High Holborn, oilman-Dec. I, Boult, Liverpool, stockbroker-Nov. 27, Lancaster, Liverpool, shipower-Dec. Walker, Leeds, tallow-chandler-Dec. 2, Ranson, Leeds, builder-Dec. 2, Clarkson, Barnsley, Yorkshire, plumber-Nov. 28, "floor, Tutbury, Staffordshire, brewer.
To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before Nov. 27.
Dudbridge, Gloucestershire, wool-broker-Watts, Cheltenham, builder-WE- 'ficinSon, Liverpool, fruiterer-Reed, Dawllsb, Devonshire, miller-Birch, Birmingham, grocer-Pritchard, Seymour Place, Camden Town,' butcher--Blackburn, Minories, en- gineer-Pulling, Hay's Wharf, Tooley Street, potato-salesman-Durden, Standish, +Gloucestershire, chemist-Mortimer, Lower Harley Street, St. Marylebone, wood- payiour--Cawdell, Hull, dealer in toys-Williams, Birmingham, builder-Hart, White- chapel High Street, hat-manufacturer-Ballard, Hastings, innkeeper-Roberts, Bir- mingham, builder-Salmon, Beaumont, Essex, carpenter -Watton, New Bond Street, tobacconist-Perry, Harlow, Essex, grocer-Hull, Norwich, grocer-Farrer, Curtain Road, Shoreditch, cabinet-manufacturer-Line, late of Plymouth, carpenter-Morel, Langhara Place, St. Marylebone, dentist.
Winterbottom, Manchester, banker ; third div. of 6d. Nov. 10, or any subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Hobson, Manchester- Walker, Manchester, fustian-manufacturer ; second (Hy. of 11. Nov. 10, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Hobson, Manchester-J. and J. Garsed, Leeds, flax-manufacturers ; first div. of fis. 6d. Nov. 10, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Hope, Leeds-Bone, Durham, grocer ; first div. of Is. 8d. Nov. 7, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Taylor and Guy, Liverpool, hosier ; third div. of 3s. 6d. Nov. 11, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Morgan, Liverpool-Wood, Fallsworth, Lancashire, varnish-maker ; first div. of 3s. 84. Nov. 10, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Pott, Manchester.
Davirs, M., Dundee, draper, Nov. 11, Dec. 2.
Wane, A., late of Glasgow merchant; Nov. 12, Dec, 7.