(Closing Meadow Prices) Nadas Wanes.
5 per CentConsols Ditto for Account .
944 9
3 per Cents Reduced 93
35 per Cents 95
Long Annuities
D Bank Stock, 7 per Cent 203
India Stock, 105
235 257 Exchequer Bins, 154. per diem 11 pm
10 le India Bonds, 3 per Cent
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Alabama (Sterling) s p. CU — Massachusetts(Sterling)...5 p.Ct. Austrian 5 — — Mexican .... ... ..... ..5 - Belgian 44 - 1815ex d. Michigan 6 Ditto 25 - Mississippi (Sterling) a Brazilian e 85} Neapolitan 5 Buenos; Ayres e — New York (1868) .... ....b Chill= 6 -- Ohio e Danish ............ . ....3 - — Pennsylvania 5 Dutch (Ex. 12Guilders) ...25 - 595 Peruvian .... ....... 6
Ditto 4 all Portuguese 6 French 3 Ditto 3
Ditto 5 - 117 I. 50c. Russian. . . . 5 Indiana (Sterling) a - Spanish . 5
Illinois 6 - — Ditto 3 Kentucky - Ditto (Passive) Louisiana (Sterling) 5 - 75 Ditto (Deferred) Maryland (Sterling) 6 - — Venezuela Active BANK OF FNOLAND. Au Acerm.t, pursuant to the Act 7th and 65.1. Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday the 3 at day of Oct. 1686. 111605 DEPARTMENT.
£28,309,895 Government Debt ...... A15,100
Other Securities 2,984.900 Gold Coin and Bullion 11,793,084 Silver Bullion 2,616,511
E28,309,895 E28,309,695 BANKING DEPARTMENT.
Proprietors' Capital £14,553.0011 Government Securities, (In- Rest 3,463.483 eluding Dead WeightAnnuityl£12,808,119 Public Deposita* 4,622,177 Other Securities 12,175368
Other Deposits 8.701,736 Notes 6,934,120
Seven Day and other Bills..., 1.016,015 Gold and Silver Coin 498,184 £32,416,391 • £32,416,391 • IncludhigExchequer, Savings Banks, Commlssionersof National Debt& Dividend Accounts.
Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the present Week.
Wheat .... 57s. 94.1 Rye 37.. 61. Wheat 45. Od. I Rye 2r. Oil Barley..... 38 6 Beans 44 6 Barley 2 0 Beans 2 • Oats .. .... 05 3 Peas/ 47 3 Oats 1 5 Peas 2 0
Weekly Average, for the Week ending Oct. 31.
Wheat, 61..94.-Barley,) la.84.-Oats, 27.01 -Rye, 41s.14.-Beans,46s.14.-Pess,60s. 84.
York Reds per ton 160s. tO Os.
Scotch Reds 0 - 0
Devon. 0 -
Kent and Essex Whites 162 - 0
HAY AND STRAW. (For Load of 38 Trusses.)
Hay, Good 73,. to 821 74s to 76s.. . . . Os to Oa.
Inferior 60 70 48 - 63
New 0 - 0 0 - 0 60 - 80 Clover 88 - 100 90 - 95 0 - 0
WheatStraw 32 - 35 26 - 32 .... ...... 26 - 13 PROVISIONS
Butter-Beat Fresh, 12e. ad. per dos. Carlow, 41. 15,. to at. Os. per cwt.
Bacon, Irish per cwt. 50s.- 625. Cheese, Cheshire . . . 0 - 0 Derby Plain 60 - 66 Hams, York 94 100 Eggs, French, per 120, 7s 34. to 8 54 BUTCHERS' MEAT.
NEITOATZ MID IDEDEXIMILL.. SMITHFIELD.• Haan or Cas-rts AT s. d. s. sl. a. d. a. d. s. d. e. d. OM ITM visas.
1022103 8 .. .. 3 4 to 3 8 to 4 2
Friday. Monday.
Mutton 3 6 - 4 0 - 4 6 4 0 - 4 8 - 6 2 Beasts. 1,160 4,625 Veal... 3 4 - 4 0 - 4 6 3 8 - 3 10 - 4 6 Sheep. 3,1510 24,710 Pork .. 3 4 - 4 0 - 4 8 4 0 - 4 8 - 5 0 Calves. 223
Lamb.. 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 Pigs... 480 ..... 400
• To sink the offal, per gibs.
Tea. Bohea , line, per lb. Os. 2d. to Or. 5d Congou, fine 1 6 - 2 2 Souchong, fine 1 3 - 2 5 • In Bond-Duty 2a 14. per lb. Coffee, fine (in bond) per cwt. 66s. to 126s. 64.
Good Ordinary 39.. to 40s. Sugar, Muscovado, per cwt 33s. Id.
West India Molasses. .. 22s. 04 to 266.64. SHARES.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)
RELLWETS-• Birmingham and Gloucester . • Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Counties Great North of England . Great Western...
Lancaster and Carlisle • London and Brighton London and Blackwell Landau and Greenwich London and North-western London and Croydon London and York Manchester and Birmingham ..
Manchester and Leeds Midland .
North British
South-eastern and Dover South-western
York and North Midland Doom-
East and West India .
London St. Katherine
129 1 RUIZ...-. Auetralasian 76 British North AmmicAmerican
22234 Colonial lel of London 139 London and Westminster
66 London Joint Stock
594 National of Ireland .
National Provincial 9} Provincial of Ireland 1975 Union of Australia — Union of London 21 Miens- 745 Bolanos 108 Brazilian Imperial 134 Ditto (St. John Del Rey) 37} Cobra Copper .... .........
395 MISCELLAN E00/.-- 674 ex. n. Australian Agricultural ..
97 Canada General Steam 1425 Peninsular and Oriental Steam 1135 Royal Mall Steam 100 South Australian BULLION. Per or.
Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard .. £3 17 9 Foreign Gold inCoin,PortugalPieces 3 17 New Dollars 0 4 105 Sliver in Bars, Standard 0 0 0 METALS. Per ton.
Copper,British Cakes £88 10 0 .. 0 0 0
Iron, British Ban 9 15 0 .. 10 10 C Lead, British Pig 18 6 0 .. 15 10 0 Steel, English 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 a. 9.
Wheat,R.New 57 to 60 Fine 60 - 6 Old 50 -59 White 57-62 Fine 64 -68 Super. New 63-68
GRAIN, Mark Lane, Nov. 6.
Maple 44to416 White 60 -52 Boilers 62 -56 Beans, Ticks 42-44 Old. 44-46 Harrow 44-46
O. E. Oats, Feed. 24 to05 Fine 26-26 Poland . 27 - 28 Fine . 26 - 29 Potato .. 30-31 Fine. 21-22
Rye 42 todd Barley 34-30 Malting 40-42 Malt, Ord 68-70 Fine. 72 -74 Peas, Hog 43-44 Fawrs.
944 945 93 931 53 93 95 206 13
2011 It
17 41 16 gek 165 355 ill
64 BS
25 7.54 57f 15
Notes issued HOPS.
Kent Pockets 804. to 95s.
Choice ditto 100 - 130 Sussex Pocket' 75 - 95 Pine ditto 112 - 147 FLOUR.
Town-made per sack 68s. to 59s. Seconds 53 - 56 Essex and Suffolk.on board ship 50 - 53 Norfolk and Stockton 47 - 60
Bran per quarter 0 - 0 Pollard, fine 0 - 0
Bread, 854. to 954. the 41b. loaf.
Rape Oil per cwt. El 15s. 64.
Refined 1 16 6 Linseed Oil 1 6 6 Linseed 011-Cake per 1000 0 0 0 Candles, per dozen, Ss W. to 6s. 6d.
Moulds (64 per dos discount) 7.. 8d.
Coals,Hetton Os. Od.
Tees 21,. 3d.