The Duke and Dutchess of Montpensier arrived on Wednesday after-
noon at the Palace of St. Cloud; where they were received by the King and Queen, and the ether members of the Royal Family. The Royal couple travelled from Blois by railway; and there was no public demon- stration of rejoicing on their arrival.
On Wednesday, Lord Normanby presented to M. Guizot Lord Palmer- ston's reply to the French Minister's nine on the original protest of the British Government. The reply runs to the length of a hundred pages, and took an hour in the reading. It is described by the Morning Chronicle as "able and energetic." "It enters at length into all the points of the question, and concludes by insisting on the necessity of the renunciation by the Infanta and her husband, on the part of themselves and their posterity by this marriage, of any rights which they may have to the throne of Spain."
Accounts from Algiers, to the 27th October, state that Abd-el-Kader has reappeared on the French South-westernfrontier, and that fears are enter- tained of his making a new incursion into the colony. The French troops started from Mascara on the 23d, at a moment's notice, to encounter him. Intermediate accounts from Lisbon mention that the Count das Antes and Viscount Sh da Bandeim had left Coimbra at the head of their troops, and were in full march on the capital.
Advices from Bayonne, to the 2d instant, mention that twenty-one Car- lists had been captured at a village called SaWagousse, on the road to UrgeL They were discovered in a hay-loft.