The failure of the important banking-house of J. B. Ghirardello,
at Vienna, is announced, and will, it is feared, involve other houses in ruin. The failure of the important banking-house of J. B. Ghirardello, at Vienna, is announced, and will, it is feared, involve other houses in ruin.
London and Blackfriars Bridges, and all the principal entrances, will be stop- ped on Monday, it being Lord Mayor's-day.
The Times of this morning publishes a letter from Mr. John Ternouth, the sculptor who has been commissioned to illustrate a portion of the base of the Nelson column, contradicting a rumour of his decease. An illicit distillery of considerable size was yesterday discovered by the officers of the Excise, underneath the Royal Hospital fur the Diseases of Children, in the Waterloo Road.