General Rosecranz has been superseded in Ohio and Tennessee by
General Grant, while his army at Chattanooga has been assigned to General Thomas, who fought so gallantly at the battle of Chickamauga. It is said that all sorts of charges are now brought against General Rosecranz, the only one of importance being, as far as we see, that he was not successful in his last
battle. It not a good omen for the North. No Northern general had effected more ; none so much except General Grant— and even he made one great mistake at the battle of. Pittsburgh Landing, while, as far as is known, Rosecranz had never made one great blunder. The North should recollect for how many years Wellington appeared to fail in Spain, nay, gave infinitely lets tangible proof of genius than Rosecranz has given in his Tennessee campaign. They will never get good generals without patience and trust.