The market for home stocks has ruled quiet during the
week, owing to the continued demand for gold for export to the Con- tinent. Consols closed yesterday at 94+ to for money ; and 94+ for December; Reduced and New Three per Cents. were 921, 1. Foreign Bonds have been less buoyant, in consequence of heavy realizations, and the recent advance has not been support United States Bonds have been on the decline, notwithstanding the election of General Grant for the Presidentship. Transac- tions in the Charkof-Azof Loan have taken place at I to 1 prem. British Railway shares have ruled quiet, and an almost general fall has taken place in the quotations on the week. There has been a steady demand for money, and the open market rate for good short- dated paper has ruled firm at 1/ percent. The stock of bullion in the Bank of England is now £19,477,738; in the Bank of France, £47,680,200.