Scenes from Shakespeare for the Young. Edited by George Alias.
(Alfred Hays.)—The preface, from the pen of Mr. E. L. Blanchard, explains the object of this volume. The illustrations, fourteen in number (but why no table of contents ?) are fac-similes of water- colour drawings by Mr. Herbert Sidney. They represent scenes from as many plays ; all the characters have a youthful look, and it is intended that the pictures should be used as models for tableaur vivants. The drawings are certainly pretty, and delicately and taste- f ally coloured. Doubtless, they will serve their end very well. One is inclined to wonder a little where the public that is to make the demand for such a book is to be found. But that question, always perplexing when one considers the multitude of books published, becomes at Christmas absolutely insoluble.