The latest victim of the 'Emden' is the Zhemchug,' a
Russian cruiser, which, as reported in the papers of last Saturday, was torpedoed while lying in Penang Harbour. The Captain of the 'Emden' had disguised his ship by rigging up a dummy funnel, and passed the guardships in the dark unchallenged. This was, of course, a perfectly legitimate ruse, and is already familiar in literature to readers of Mr. Kipling. The Captain of the 'Emden,' by his elusive- ness, daring, resource, excellent seamanship, and chivalry, deserves to become a legendary figure in the annals of the sea. The German Navy seems to have a far finer code of con- duct than the German Army. We notice in the Manchester Guardian of Wednesday some tributes from Captains of merchant ships to the Captain of the Emden.' They said that he allowed vessels which had women and children on board to pass unharmed, and when be took prisoners on board his own ship he treated them with the utmost hospitality and courtesy. The 'Emden' has been a thorn in our side, but we know a chivalrous foe when we see him, and we recognize one in the Captain of the Emden.'