Letters to the Editor
[In view of the length of many of the letters which we receive, we would remind correspondents that we often cannot give space for long letters and that short ones are generally read with more attention. The length which we consider most suitable is about that of one of our paragraphs on " News of the Week."—Ed. SPECTATOR.] LORD CECIL THANKS " SPECTATOR" READERS
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sill,—On behalf of the Council of the International Conference on Disarmament, to be held in Paris on November 26th and 27th, I wish specially to thank the [readers of the Spectator for their generous support.
In response to the appeal, which you Were good enough to insert in your columns, £369 15s. 6d. has been subscribed towards our expenses.
The help of your readers has gone far to promote the success of the Conference, and I am grateful to the Spectator for its public-spirited co-operation in this matter.—I am, Sir, &c., CECIL,
President of the International Paris Conference on Disarmament.