7 NOVEMBER 1931, Page 36

Current Literature

HISTORICAL students, whether amateur or professional, will like to know of the American Historical Association's Guide to Historical Literature, edited by W. H. Allison, S. B. Fay, A. H. Shearer and H. R. Shipman (Macmillan, 45s.). This truly remarkable work, which runs to 1,250 closely-printed pages, gives not only the titles of innumerable books carefully arranged under periods and countries, but also brief can. ments on them. It professes only " to furnish a carefully chosen list of available books " to English readers, but, though not exhaustive, it covers the ground thoroughly awl its index is a model of efficiency. The War literature is well summarized, with references to critical reviews. One omission in the American historical section is a little hard to under- stand—that of the late E. J. Payne's unfinished but brilliant History of the New World.

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