7 NOVEMBER 1931, Page 36

THE SECOND MERCURY STORY BOOK. With an intro- duction by

Robert Lynd. (Longman's. 'is. 6d.)—In this second volume of short stories collected from the London Mercury, its editor, Mr. J. C. Squire, has once more proved that his judgement is as excellent as his taste is catholic. All the tales, as is to be expected, are well- written, and a few are brilliant. Five of them, Mr. Max Beerbohm's " William and Mary," Miss Margaret Irwin's story of demoniacal possession and of a haunted book-case in which there could never be a gap, Mr. Linklater's tale, " The Dancers," with an account of the effect of heather ale, Mr. Squire's own story and Mr. Maurice Baring's chapter of alternative history are, singly, worth the price of the volume.