7 NOVEMBER 1958, Page 18

N ews requires Sub-Editors, External Services iNeWs Department. Ability to select,

condense and write news quickly and accurately for audiences outside the United Kingdom essential. Candidates should be trained journalists, pre- lerably with experience of subediting for news- naners, news agencies or broadcasting organisa- tions. Special knowledge of one or more coun- tries Overseas an advantage. Salary £.1.105 (pos. NibIY higher if qualifications exceptffinal), rising by seven annual increments to £1,550 p.a. max. Requests for application forms (enclosing addressed envelope and quoting reference 6.861 *SOL) should reach Appointments Officer, Broadcasting House. London, W.I, within live days.

BBC requires Clerk (Audience Research). Lastern Service. Duties include translation and summarising of Persian letters. and reporting on reaction to BBC Persian transmissions as re- vealed in correspondence, newspapers, etc., and general assistance in the work of the Unit. Essential qualifications arc a thorough know- ledge of Pcisian and English, and ability to draft reports In English. Ability to type In Persian essential, and in English desirable. ,Stefling salary EIO 13s. Od., Pius IN. 17.w. Jiffiguage allowance.-Write to Appointment., Officer, eroadcasone House London. W.1, marking applications SC.844 within four- teen days.


FOUNDED MAY, 1958 Executive Committee:

Kenneth Walker, F.R.C.S. (Chairman) Ambrose Appelbe, Canon L. John Collins, A. E. Dyson, Victor Gol lancz, Jacquetta Hawkes, O.B,E., Dr. W. Ltndesay . Neustatter, C. H. Rolph, Stephen Spender, Dr. E. B. Strauss.

The Rev. A. Hallidie Smith


The Society is working for the implementation of the major Wolfenden proposal and wet-. comes support from all who agree with its aim.

Enquiries should be sent to the Secretary at our new address


CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Competitions will be held in 1959 for the following : •

ADMINISTRATIVE CLASS, Home Civil Service and Northern Ireland Civil Service (METHODS I and II). One House of Com- mons Clerkship may he filled through this competition (METHOD I). Code. No. : 11/59.. FOREIGN SERVICE, SENIOR BRANCH. (METHODS I and 11). Code No:: 12/59.

SPECIAL DEPARTMENTAL CLASSES (H.M. Inspectors of Taxes; Cadet Grade. Ministry of Labour and National Service: Assistant Postal Controllers, Post Office; Grade III Officers. Ministry of Defence) (METHODS I and 11). Code 740.: 17-20/59.

STATISTICIAN CLASS (METHOD I only). Code No. : 21/59.

EXECUTIVE CLASS and FOREIGN SER- VICE BRANCH B (METHOD I only) for graduates. Code No. 22/59.

METHODS OF SELECTION. Method I con- sists of examination at honours degree level plus preliminary and final interview. Method II con- sists of short examination (English and general papers) followed, for selected candidates, by Civil Service Selection Board tests and interview by Final Selection Board, Whcn two methods are provided, candidates may choose either or both. Candidates for Method II must have, or obtain in 1959, a university degree; for Administrative Class and Foreign Service (Senior Branch) it must be with 1st or 2nd class honours.

AGE LIMITS. At least 201 and under 24 on 1/8/59. with extension for service in Forces or Overseas Civil Service. In addition, for Statis- tician Class (21/59). extension up to three years for approved post-graduate experience.

Write for application forms to Civil Service Commission, 6 Burlington Gardens, London, W.1, quoting appropriate code number(s), Clos- ing dates : Method II, 1st December, 1958; Method I. 28th February, 1959.

NATIONAL PEACE.. COUNCIL requires General Secretary. Wide knowledge of interna- tional affairs and administrative ability essential. Overseas experience a recommendation. Appli- cations, with details of experience and names and addresses of three referees, by November 15th, to Chairman, N.P.C., 29 Great James Street, London, W.C.I. from whom further particulars may be obtained, ---------


A CONSULTANT for nervous conditions, qua- lified in hypnotherapy, treats personality prob- lems, fears, habits, complexes, compulsions. anxiety, neurosis, insomnia. - R. K. Brian.

LANgham 4245. 19 Wigmore St.. W.I.

A FAULT IN SPEECHES. Many otherwise able public speakers talk to audiences who are half the time day-dreaming about something else. I can show any intelligent speaker, however dry his subject, how to make people listen with enjoyment. Write for verification.-John Radcliff, 50 Avenue Road, Herne Bay.

CANCER PATIENT (82236). Poor woman (70), has had severe operations, and is now fed by a tube, Diet must consist of milk, eggs and other expensive items. Bedding also required. Please help us to care for her, Jewellery welcomed.- National Society for Cancer Relief, Appeal G.7, 47 Victoria Street, S.W.I.

DO RISING PRICES cause misgiving?

Then smoke 'Tom Long' and life's worth living.

CASH AND CANCER. Only intensive research will finally rid its of Cancer. But research costs money. Will you help by sending donation (how- ever small) to Sir Charles Lidhury, Hon. Trea- surer. British Empire Cancer Campaign (Dept. CS). II Grosvenor Crescent, London, S.W.1, or give to your local B.E.C.C. Committee.

CHINCHILLAS from the Top Breeder of the World. Free booklet. - Holding, 120 Hollins Lane. Accrington.

DAVIES INVESTMENTS LTD., Bankers, are still offering 71% on sums £20 to £500 (withdrawal on demand) with extra 1% interest on units of E500.-Full details from Investment Dept. S.R., Davies Investments Ltd., Danes Inn House. Strand, London, W.C.2.

FOREIGN GIRLS available' 'au pair' or as Mothers' Helps, short-long periods. - Anglo- Continental Bureau. 148 Walton St.. S.W.3. KNI 9906.

HIGHEST PRICES PAID for Coins and Medals. especially collections and gold, 1958 Cat. of English coins 9s. 3d. Bulletins 6d.-B. A. Seaby, 65 Great Portland Street, London, W.I. (Tel.: LAN 3677.)

LIKE the veering Spanish flavour of Flamenco dancing?' Hera are two fine Spanish flavours. equally irresistible-El Cid Amontillado and Fine Feria. Both are superb Dutf Gordon Sherries.

POPULAR THEATRE is defined and discussed by Michel St.-Denis, Arnold Weaker. Tom Milne in Nov.-Doc. issue of 'ENCORE.' now avail- able at good bookshops in UK or USA. or direct. 10s. for six issues, from 25 Howland Street, W.I, RABINDRANATH TAGORE CENTENARY EXHIBITION IN CALCUTTA. Would friends and admirers of the Indian poet in possession of personal letters. photographs. souvenirs of various kinds and willing to lend them to be listed and Photoataphed kindly get in touch with Dr. Sasadhar Sinha, c/o The Press Attache, The Indian High Commission. India House, Aldwych, London, W.C.2. Such material will he gratefully acknowledged, treated most carefully and re- turned as quickly as possible. All expenses is

will be reimbursed.

SHAVERS of discrimination use only Chrome Hard Hand-honed Blades, Free sample pack:"

Shavers Services, , Aldermanbury. E.C.2.

SKIING IN WENGEN. 'Vacancies in privately organised parties. December. January. Small com- fortable hotel, Ii min. centre village. 12 days' ski-ing. 29 ans.-Write Box 4218.

TAKE YOUR PARTNERS a plate of cold most served with Rayner's Mango Chutney. Delicious.

. . THE LONDON SCHOOL OF BRIDGE, 38 King's Road. S,W.3. KEN 7201.

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONLIOST (Gower St., W.C.1) invites to an evening neceptlon and reunion at the College on Friday. 27 Februaty. 1959 (6.30-9 p.m.) former undergraduates or post- graduates who entered the College during the years 1918-33. Applications for tickets (which am limited and will be issued in order of application) should be made to the Assistant Secretary, University' College. London (Gower Street), W.C.I.

111E NIFAIANS CELL THERAPY THE NEW REGENERATING TREATMENT. Available at the : NERVE CENTRE. 87 WestIsturne Terrace, London, W.2, Tel.: AMBassador 4041

• WATAPADS., Keep pot plants moist holidays and always. Putt one under each pot-5 for His., 11 for 20e-HARRODS Hort, Dept.


BOYS' PREPARATORY SCHOOLS. - Parents desiring vacancies and men and women seek- ing teaching appointments. also Matrons and Assistant Matrons, should apply to IL 7. S. Curtis. M.A. (E), Hon. Sec., Public Relations Conunitice. Incorporated Association 01 Pre- paratory Schools, Hurst Court, Ore, Hastings.

SECRETARIAL TRAINING. Specially for uni- versity graduates and older students, six month and intensive 14-week courses.-Write Organis- ing Secretary: DAS'IES'S, Addison Road, W,14. PARK 8392.

Continued Overleaf


STATEMENT REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF AUGUST 24, 1912. AS AMENDED BY THE ACTS OF MARCH 3, 1933. AND JULY 2. 1946 (Title 39, United States Code, Section 233) SHOWING THE OWNERSHIP. MANAGE- MENT, AND CIRCULATION OF The Spec- tator, published weekly at New York. NY, for October I, 1958.

I. The names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business manager are:

Publisher, E. T. Deacon, 99 Gower Street. London, WCI, England.

Editor and Managing Editor, Ian Gilmour, 99 Gower Street, London, WCI. England.

Managing Director, H. S. Janes, 99 Gower Street. London. WCI, England, 2. The owners arc: The Spectator Ltd., 99 Gower Street, London, WCI, England, Ian Gilmour, 99 Gower Street, London, WCI.

• England.

3. The known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding I per cent, or more of total amount of bonds, mort- gages, or other securities arc: None.

4, Paragraphs 2 and 3 Include, in cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting; also the statements in the two paragraphs show the affianes full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stock- holders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner, 5. The average number of copies of each Issue of this publication sold or distributed. through the mails or otherwise, to paid sub- scribers during the 12 months preceding the date shown above was 38,634.



Sworn to and subscribed before me this 13th clay of October. 1958.

T. DONOVAN. Solicitor and Commissioner for Oaths