7 NOVEMBER 1958, Page 19


BOOKS FOR SALE, Bibliography, Palreoaraphy and Books about Books.--Ti. I 14, from W. Forster, 8.ia Stamford Hill, Londm, NTS.

FICTION-WRITING. We are specialist turots:-- -No Sales-no fees, Students' work appears in all markets, Prospectus free from Dept. 11.23, British Institute of Fiction-Writing Science Ltd., Chronicle House, Fleet Street, E.C.4.

TV URGENTLY NEEDS SCRIPTS 1 Our Correspondence Course can teach yott to earn big money this year. Personal couching by top TV scriptwilters. Prospectus from Dept. 105, Television Writing School, 7 Harley Street, London, W.I.

UN GRAND CHOIX de cartes de Noi:1 (texte cn francais ou en anglais) sc *rouse chez HACHETTE. 127 Regent Street, W.I.

WRITE FOR PROFIT, Send today for free 24- Page booklet which describes the openings for new writers . . . reveals that you can make extra

income by writin.s,. wherever you live . . shows that R.I. students have sold work to over 1,750 publications-a record without parallel- and that many earn while learning, - Regent Institute Mem. 85z). Palace Gate, London. W.8.

YOUR WRITING Success begins with 'KNOW-HOW: GIFT YEAR'S SUBSCRIP- TION to Britain's foremost magazine for Writers. Send for Free R3 'Know-How Guide to Writing Success,' No Sales-No Fees tuition, B.A. School of Successful Writing Ltd., 124 New Bond Street, London, W.I.


CHINESE exquisite hand embroidered pillow slips. White, 20 in, x 30 in. Four for only 27s.. post Is. 6d, Satisfaction or money hack,-H. Conway Ltd. (Dept. 12). 173 Stoke Newington Rd., London, N.I6.

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GARLIC AND RHEUMATISM. Notwithstand- ing sensational new drug and serum discoveries the truth about garlic as a remedy for rheuma- tism stands firm, as it has stood for 5,000 years. Get to know GARLISOL non-taint garlic tablets for dissolving rheumatism at its toots. Send 52s. 6d. for 1.000 tablets (six months' trcattnent) and interesting booklet of home treatment with ' the aid of garlic.-Oarlisol Company. Fairlisht, Sussex, GOURMET'S DELIGHT Each carton contains : 151 oz. tin Honed Roast Chicken with Champignons, 1 x 14 oz. tin Chicken in Paprika, 151 oz. tin Chicken Fricassee, 151 oz. tin Turkey Fricassee, 16 oz. tin Roast Turkey with Cranberry Sauce, 16 oz. tin Roast Duck wills Cranberry Sauce, 15 oz. tin Sliced Han) in Burgundy Sauce, 15 or. tin Venison in Cream Sauce, 15 oz. tin Roast Wild Boar. 5 oz.. tin Pate de Foie. 24 oz. tin Smoked Salmon and 31 oz. tin Scampi, sent for only £4 12s, 6d. post paid, c.w.o. Two cartons 1:9 2s. 6d, Send for our Special Christmas Gift List which is now available.

GGS DEPT. SY., GREEN 101.1., WORCESTER HARRIS TWEED, 12s per yard also TAILORING SERVICE PATTERNS and PRICES from IAN MACIVER, 96 Cromwell Street, Stornoway. Isle of Lewis.

KENT'S best Cox's Orange Apples. The ideal Christmas present for your business friends or staff. Packed in attractive presentation con- tainer. Delivery Nov./Dec. 10 lb. Pack, 21s., carriage free. U.K. only. Special quotations over 50. Cash with order please. - Presentation Apple Packs (Dept. C), Barton Mills. Canterbury. PURE SILK PYJAMAS, 75s., post Is. Ladies' and Gentlemen's luxurious quality (re- duced from 6 am.). Blue. Rose. Green, Gold. Ladles', 34 to 42 bust. men's 38 to 48. Pans. from Austin Smith. 36 Berkeley St,. W.I. 'FOR YEARS I'VE MEANT TO WRITE, but I've been putting it off.' No time" For rhinos you really want to do you can always make time. The LS1„ for nearly 40 years under the patronage of leading newspaper proprietors and editors, has helped thousands to success by personal tuition by correspondence. It may help you. It costs nothing to enquire, Free advice and book from : Prospectus Department, LONDON SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM, 19 Hertford Street, Park Lane, W.I.

GRO 8250 'There are LSJ students all over the world.'

BOOKS. The 'Spectator' will arrange for books reviewed or advertised in this paper's columns to he sent to readers who cannot otherwise obtain them. Orders, accompanied by a remittance covering the books' total published price, plus Is. 6d. per volume for postage, should be sent to the Hoek Order Dept., 'Spectator," 99 Gower Street. London, W.C.1.