7 NOVEMBER 1987, Page 22

Wold at war

Sir: The combination of wisdom and tough common sense which informs Richard West's recent article on the proposed closure of schools in the Southwold and Reydon area (`Breaking up the school', 10 October) will be welcomed by all who are opposed to the destruction of real com- munities in the name of progress.

May I be allowed, though, to correct one small but serious error which has found its way into an otherwise excellent article? This is the suggestion that Suffolk County Council has already succeeded in closing down other small secondary schools throughout the county. In fact Reydon High School is the first high school in the entire county to face the council's axe. If Reydon goes then countless other small schools throughout the county will follow.

This is why the case of Reydon is so important. For rather than it being the last battle in a war which has already been lost it is the first battle of a war in which there is everything still to fight for.

Richard Webster

The Orwell Bookshop, 64 High Street, Southwold, Suffolk