THERE. was an error in two items in our last week's exposition of the Civil List, caused by out having followed the Report of the Com- mittee, instead of the Act of Parliament ; which last, we knew from n general remembrance of it, was too vague to furnish any detailed in. formation. On referring to the Finance Accounts, to check our large table of " Pay and Pension" by the sum actually paid from the Ex- chequer, we found it 310,000/. instead of 498,470; and, tracing the subject to its source, and looking back to the debates, (of which we spoke from what turns out to be a wrong impression,) we see that the Houee or rather the Ministers, confirmed every recommendation of the Committee—but the saving one; both parties joining in slighting that "twopenny halfpenny thing called economy," and in repudiating such an inconsiderable reduction. A hint to future Cenenittees to economize boldly. We see too, that Sir HENRY PARNELL spoke strongly on the subject. " He was much disappointed at !tot perceiv- Saving y n.,-
pped by Committee mown[ of RAI. Seday. LORD CRIAmuERLAIN's DEPARTMENT. X X Lord CMunberlain—Marquis of conyngham 1,03.5 3.095
Vice-Chamberiaia—Lord C. Fitzroy 437 937 ing some reductions on the former estimate. r he ei laies of many of the High Officers of the Household—the Master of the Horse, for in- stance—admitted of a large reduction." Will he be the same econo- mist next month? He bus pledged himself to his constiuents to resign office rather thaw vote for a had measure : will he vote for a bad Civil List? or will be make his own convenience the test of good and evil. The difference in question is slight, and tells al in our throw. as we underrated the present expenditure. Still, as our only object is con ect- ness, we reprint the general table, and the classes where the error was made. Tice live classes of the Civil List should stand thus- ]. Their Majesties' Privy Purse. The King .£60,00o
The Queen 50,00t) X110,000
IL Salaries of his Majesty's Household 1130,300 IIL Expenses of his :Majesty's Household
IV. Charities and Special and Secret Service 2:
V. Pensions I 713,52C00 ° 75,000 £510,000 To the two classes whose details were given, we now add the sevinge :proposed by the Committee, and which last week we conceived had been adopted. It will be noted, that they slashed away at the Physi- cians and Surgeons with the most boldness, reducing them by more than 10 per cent.
*taint! Vail.
Groom of the Stole—Marquis of Winchester Lords mid Grooms of the Bedchamber
Captain sod liana uf Gentlemen Pensitmers Captain and Yeomen of the Guards
4 Physicians to the Person 9 Surgeons to the Person Usher of the Black Rod s unit Superannual ions act wilt:eel
Lo'n STEWARD's DEpARTMENT, Lord Steward—Du lie of A rgy le Treasurer of the Ilenselteld-- Sir W. Freelonil•' . Comptroller of the household—Rt. lion. G. S. It) it.; Set,relary of the 1.A...1 Steward 0 rces aml Sup erannuatior.s not re ;coed
51m,ter of the Ilurse— Lad of Albemarle
Chief Illpietry and Clink 31arslial -1 Iltpterries 4 Pages of llonour Veterinary StIrgeon 1:y1:Try. C:cu n Stables
Offices and S.:rem:moat km cot le ''•e .1 vie TM: F. cps,' DEr.112T,IxN7,
NItts...r ci the Ili lt....5—Sir t..eJrg... Se,■:n0Ur
C13 3.171 1 thil 213 456 4'976 174 2.103 13.171 4.fG1. 713 S5C 5E6 171 C1,450
4:6.4426 3.1124
.74503 437 4(:4 41.4 t3) El7,0 2:44 CO0 lt...) 1:: 4 4;5
2.437 901
9.4 1 2a0
:. ._5;
3350 a.4 9-a 4'..0 445!..i 1'i,1115
Total ca'aettua
Bounty and Svrial Service r ') 9 (
A 1ms atvt CLalitiea 74
Vitae M Lundot
lloate Secret L'elV:e.
As there is, even uccording to the cautious Committee's showing, a capability of effecting a greater reductien than we looked for by more than 11,, we tie ilk the public may fairly expect a saving in the Civil List of at least RO,C00/., indepoide»t of the Pensions. And if it should not be known what to do with the money, wily, it will just re. peel the Advertisement-duty.