7 OCTOBER 1837, Page 8

As an instance of Post-office despatch, we can mention that

a letter put into the Post-office before eleven o'clock on Monday, directed to a person living on the direct road to Kingston-upon-Thames, about two miles on the London side of that place, was delivered at two o'clock on the afternoon of the following day--only seven-and-twenty hours afterwards.

The Third Report of the Poor-law Commissioners has been pub- lished, with appendixes. The Commissioners state, that it was their wish to have made this annual report to Lord John Russell in the early part of the session ; but they deemed it their duty to await the result of the inquiry of the Committee of the House of Commons. It ap. pears the unions of parishes embrace a population of 11,347,213, out of 13,897,187, the whole population of England and Wales in 1831. The outstanding parishes in England are 1,301, containing* population of 2,525,098, and 28 in Wales, containing a population of 24,874. Of the agricultural counties, Cumberland seems to be the only one contain- ing a large proportion of parishes ununited. It has 88 out of '203 parishes not yet united, and a population of 85,648 out of 169,681; Lancaster has a population of 382,617 out of 1,336,854 not yet united ; Derby, 105,459 out of 137.170; Middlesex, 708,948 out of 1,358,330 ; Warwick, 145,358 out of 336,610; and the West Riding of York, 331,485 out of 976,353.

The Courrier Francais, of Paris, after noticing the fact of certain Legitimatist journals having asserted that the marriage of Duke Alex. antler of Wurtembura with the Princess Marie was likely to be post. pored, on account of difficulties arising from religious motives, says that this is so far from being the case, that all obstacles which might have arisen with regard to the education of the children were speedily removed. It has been settled that the male offspring are to be brought up in the religion of the father, the female in that of the muter. Every thing is definitively arranged, and the marriage will take place on the 12th instant.

A meeting was held at Paris on Monday last of the friends of Laffitte, subscribers to, or shareholders in, his new joint-stork banking company ; at which, in a speech "delivered," we are informed, "with much emotion, heard with respect, and followed by applunse," he de- veloped the plan of the establishment, into which he had introduced some material alterations. Some Paris letters state that no doubt ex- isted that the entire capital (2,200,00010 would be subscribed by the 15th instant. —Times.

At the late races at Monplaiser, in Belgium, a man was discovered lurking near the King's carriage, armed with a pistol. He was ar. rested, and it was conjectured that he intended to assassinate Leopold; but there was little or no evidence to justify this suspicion. In con. nexion, however, with this affair, there are rumours of Leopold's un- popularity. The Times, referring to private accounts from Belgium, says- " The people are said to be extremely discontented about the frequent jeer- neyings of Leopold to Paris and England ; in reference to which he is con- temptuously nicknamed the Rol des l'ustillons.' It was commonly remarked, that it would be as well if he attended more to the cares of government at home, and busied himself less with intrigues or amusements in neighbouring capitals. Ile was accused of being little inclined to show himself at the Ktes, and of ex- cessive rest:lye. The people complained of being us heavily taxed as ever, althieigh relief had been promised them us the result of the change of govern- meta. It wts feared by persons who knew the country, that the prevalence of this kind of feeling might lead to something serious, when, thrtugh the termi- nation of the rails ask in progrew, considerable numbers of workpeople would shortly Lave to be discharged. These men, she houses, as they toe called, are now earning two 1, mws per day 011 the railroads, upon which the;- can live in comparative luxutj. The intolerance of the priests, who had connived to eileross a good shine of power, had created a gaol deal of dissatisfaction.. Although tin!. obnoxious law had been repealed by which no one was permitted to (yen a school without a certitiette of previous examination and competency, and evety one was is ft at full ninety in this reseter, yet the priests hail estab- lished a 'astern of prohibition of their own, by the refusal of absolution to parents 1,1,-,11111:11g wad their children for tuition to any school nut approved or license! by t;.vit."

The Belgians are hard to please : they ought to be glad that their King does not follow the example of Louis Philip, by interfering in the conduct of the Government, but leaves it to responsible Ministers.

The Queen's Theatre has been taken by Miss Desborough, the proprietress of the Richmond Theatre.

The crops of every description, throughout the country, surpass in quAity and quantity any that have ever been produced in the United The cotton crop may be estimated at about 1,730,000 bales; being an increase on the last year's growth of about 250,000 bales, or 13 per eent.—Corespondent of the Times.