ST.CX Baer ARCM FAIDAS An-TR:400N. It The Money Market has manifested more firmness this week ; and the trans• actions in it, although not considerable, have been rather more extensive. A disposition to sell Stock has been evinced by some of the speculators, in antici- pation that the export of bullion to America will cause, as it did last year, a decline in the price* of Securities; but the firmness of the market has not been in the least affected by the few operations of this nature which occurred, and the price of Consols improved 3 per cent. The recent commercial ac- counts from America are, however, in one point very unsatisfactory,—namely, In the article of remittances : and to this cause, coupled with the determi- nation of the new President to carry out the financial measures of his predeces. sots (which, although always suspected, has now for the first time been offici- ally declared,) may be attributed the check which the reviving activity of the cotton manufactories have recently experienced ; the accounts from Latieashite during the last few days being all gloomy, and representing all descriptioas of trade as languishing. The importation of bullion, however, front all parts of the Continent, which has been going on for some time, has been continued during this week ; a result in some degree attributable to the large amount of Dividends upon Continental Bonds which have become due doting the past and present month. Within that period the Dividends upon the Danish, Dutch, Russian, and Brazilian Loans, have been paid. It is impossible to determine with accuracy the amount of these Dividends, because it is not known what
portion of the Continenal Loans are I eld in this country, but it must be very large,
In the Foreign Market, both Spanish and Portuguese Stocks have fluctuated wore than usual. The destruction of the Chartist party in Portugal has caused a decline in the pt ice of the Bonds. The Five per Cents. have been done as low as 38; but the price has since improved to 391. Much anxiety is mani- fested by tie holders of the Banda, as to the payment of the next Dividends. It is perhaps too early to speculate upon this subject; but if the means be forth- coming, it can only be by remittances from Lisbon, its the credit and means of the Government in this country are quite exhausted. Spanish Stock has been steady at prices within a ti ill; of our last quotations. Advices have today' been received front Rio Janeiro to the 15th August, bzingi,,g accounts of a decline in the loral stork. The commercial interests are represented as suffering severely from the clack given to business by the failure if t:.e An:, rivan houses; the distress of the Union having been as calamitous time as it has been here. Money was als.) very scarce. The aecouLts from the Congo Sono minis are not so favourable as they have
been fir tie list few arrivals.
The other South American seem its- are at slightly' improved price). _
I.' .nsol Market is firm, nt the improved quotations of 92} 3. both for Money and Account. In the Foreign Market, both Spanish and Portuguese Bonds are lower, the former, which opened at 201 u, are now *20 to 20.3 ; and the latter, which was quoted at :19 to :39h, are now :191 to We ate not aware that this decline has been caused by the receipt of any political intelligence from the Peninsula, hat is referable to the state of the market, in the present st cgoant condltion of u hid: a trilling sale prnLnees great effect. T.e South Amel lean Stocks ale steady at the following quot ttions,—Buenos cos '20 to 2.2 ; 'Mexican Six per Cents. flfq, nOl ; Colutablaos 26 ; Peruvian sare,•;. %v. Foes o•cLove.
The prices at the close of the nov-ket are the same as those quoted in the rn. ;min g-, and the business transacted during the afternoon has been so trifling as to render any remark superfluous.
Itrawdlian 5 per Cents St
I Wrist' 71‘. Dotch if per erats tell Port udil-ge II,.2ency 511.Cts 39 Ditto 3 per Cent. 251 i litis.iaw I It.,9215 per Cent 109010 Spanish (1e135) 3 per Cent NO I I ■eirsred Stock 1.... .1 Passive Ditto 4; i per cent. Consuls l'"i Ditto for .Leeantit ';..JI g 31 eri',..■1. lled.n,d Nes, 0: ps.r Cent. Ann o , 1.-0 tiTtils S1.4.1 shin
!IA la ...'”,-1,1 0,:i
biro h;',111's .-`3 .-,I
1;xeh, T.... Bills
Belk :.t. 5 per Coma. 1'' ij