On the 21st September. at Nunburuholme Rectory, the Lady of the Rev. CHARLES JAMES HAWKINS, of a son.
On the 22(1, at Bartemman House. N.B.. Mrs. ROBERT C. CI:mama of a daughter. On the 2501, at Gate Bur Ur Rectory, Lincolnshire, the Lady of the Rev. GEORGE
Borrow, of a (laughter. •
On the 27th, at Delvine. the Lady of Sir J. M. MACKENZIE, Bart., of a son. On the 29th. at Can Rogers Rectory, Gloucestershire, the Lady of the Rev. DEERE FORSTER, of a SOD.
On the 30th, at Harrow, the v of the Rev. WILLIAM OXENHAM, of a son.
On the 1st October, in Che...ham Street. the Lady MARCUS HILL, of a daughter. On the 1st, at Hampstead. the Lady of Archdeacon HOLLINOWORTH, of a son. On the lst, at Eaton Place, the Lady of Sir WILLIAM HEATIFICOTE, Bart., of a sou. On the 2d, at Newhailes, the Hon. Mrs. CovErrray, of a SOD.
On the 9th, at 11vham House, Brighton, the Lady of CHARLES MORGAN, Esq., M.P.,
of a daughter.
Lately, at Glevering Hall, Norfolk, the Lady of the Hon. CHARLES VANNECE, of a daughter.
On the 21st September, at Watford. Herefordshire, FREDERICK THEED, Esq., of St. Ives, to MARIANNE, youngest daughter of the late Rev. T. D. FosnaoicE, Vicar of Watford.
On the 26th, at Wished', WILLIAM Wirrertwo. Esq., of Thorney, in the Isle of Ely, to Soeure, eldest daughter of Captain SWAINS, R.N. On the ad October, at Wiukfield Church, Books, ROBERT WILLIAM CUMEERBATCH, Esa., second sou of theists Abraham Parry Cumberbatch, Esq., of the Broads, Sussex, to 'ELLEN, daughter of the late EDMUND LLOYD, Esq. On the 31, at St. Mary's, Bryanatou Square, the Rev. E. S. STANLEY, grandson of the late Sir Edmond Stanley. of Richmond. Surrey. to ANNIE, third daughter of ROBERT Harm, Esq., of Great Cumberland Place, Hyde Park. On the dd, at Christ Church, Marylebone. HENRY Epitome Noatus, Esq., eldest son of Henry Norris. Esq., of South Pethertou, Somerset, to MARY ANN ItEvEpr, eldest daughter of the late Rev. Revett Sheppard, Rector of Thwaite, Suffolk. On the 3d, at Houghton. Huntingdonshire. the Rev. FREDERICK JAMES Paasows, Vicar of Selborne, Hampshire, and late Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, to &Jammu, youtigest daughter of tile late HORATIO kleavELLI, Esq. On the ad, MAUD, fourth daughter of G. Lowrunt, Esq., of Hampton Hall, Somer. setshire, to Thous LEM!, Esq., of La me Park, Cheshire. On the 3d. at Waterford, the Rev. John H. STEPHENSON, Rector of Corringliam. Essex, to MARY, youngest daughter of the Very Rev. the Dean of Water`ord.
On the 91.1a. at Treuthem, Lord BLArerrag, to Lizly Evir.vx Lames Gowza, secuud daughter of the flake of StrruzaLANo.
Oaths 9th. at Penrith. Paservas Arourasow MONSHEAD. Esq., Royal Artillery, youngest sou of the late Colonel Anderson Monshead. Royal Engineers. and of Waley Court, Devon. to CmtaurrrE, youngest daughter of the late Lieutenaut Colonel &roar, Royal Artillery.
On the 29th May. at Port Louis, Mauritius, Lieut. and Adjutant HENRY Wazalarowx, Thirty-fifth Regiment.
Ou the 6th September. at Thun, in Switzerland, Turmas TEED, Esq., of the Hurst House. East Moulsey, Surrey; in his 45th year. On the 20th. at the Rev. Francis Brownlow's, county of Derry. Ireland. Erazaarrtt GEOROIANIA. wife of CLAUD ALEXANDER, Esq.. of Balloclimyle, Ayrshire, and daughter of the late Colonel and Lady Martha Keating°.
On the 23(1. at Kilbride. Wexford, the Rev. RIMER °wax, sixty-two years Rector of the Union of Camelia, in the diocese of Focus: in his nth year.
On the 25th. at White Leckiugton Vicarage. Somerset, ANNA MARIA, relict of THOMAS Baotou, Esq., for many years Senior Judge at Muorshedabad, iu the Presidency of Bengal; in her 71st year. Ou the 211,11, at Ramsgate. Lieut. General BEEVOR. R.A.
On the 28th. at Leigh Street. Burton Crescent. Mrs. SHIRRS, only surviving sister of the late Captaiu Wtssosr, formerly of E ' linen; in her 93d year.
On the 29th, at Ashbourne. Derbyshire, Witt IAM Wannest, Esq., a Magistrate and Deputy Lieutenaut for that county; in his 72(1 year. Opt the 30t11, at the Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea, Captain LUGARD, after forty years seta ice as Adjutant and Secretary of that institution ; in his 82d year. On this lot October. in Charles Street. Berkeley Square. the Countess STANHOPE.
On the 1st. at Yarmouth, SOPHIA. sister of Sir THOMAS GOOCH, Bart., and wife of G. W. MINDY, Author of the life-apparatus for saving shipwrecked sailors; in her 67th year. On the 2d, at Carlogie Cottage. Alwrdeeushire, Rear-Adntiral Sir ARTHUR FARQUHAR, K.C.B and K.C.II.; in his 71st year.
On the 3d, suddenly while at the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. GEORGE WILLTAra Woos. Esq.. M.P. for Keudal.
Ou the 3d, at Saudgate, Kent, SAMUEL GraDtzsrorm, Eaq., one of her Majesty's Counsel.
Ou the WI. at Chilworth Lodge. near Southampton. the Hon. RICHARD Gsuaos Qum. second sou oldie late. and brother of the present Earl of DUNBAVEN.