7 OCTOBER 1843, Page 21


Tuesday, Oct. 3.


Bateson and Co. Liverpool, brokers; as far as regards J. G. Ba'eson-Cordingley and King. Loudou Pearse and Hall. Exeter. linendrapers-J. and E. Aldridge. Northumberland Street, Straud, jewellera-Gaskell and Ickerby. Liverpool, ship. wrights-Picciotto and Co. South Street, Fiusbury; as far as regard. Guillemard -R., H. S., and E. Foster, Cambridge. brewers ; as far as regards P.. Foster-Hall and Lazton, Cheshunt Street, Hertfordshire, liuen-drapers -J. and R. Richards. Harwood Place, High Street, Peckam. plumbers-Carlisle and _Co. Bristol, haberdashers ; as far as regards J. H. Day-Cholditeh and B ater, Wolverhampton, wine-merchantsDavis and Powell Queeu Squate, Aldersgate Street, book-clasp manufacturers-W., P. B., and S. Jones, King's Head. Great Tower Street, licensed victuallers; as far as regards W. Jones-Fryman aud Watts, Rye, Sussex, wholesale aud retail grocersIL and W. Fairbairns, Southamptou, china-dealers-G. and W. Yonge. Strand, watchmakers -Jamieson and Bichatdson, Moorgate StreetPirie and Co. Loudon,

brokers-Vaughan and Crutchfield, Bloomsbury Market, porter merchants -Letts and

Cornhill, stationers-Muakett and Cu. Norwich. warehausemen-Eglen aud Potter. Mauchester, commission agents-M. S. and A. S. Viener, Southampton, jewel. lersGodley and Underwood junior, Southampton, general commiasion -merchantsR. and T. F. Lee, St. Martin's Lane, carpenters-Faber and Pettiner. Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, joiners-Hill and Smith, Shrewsbury, aactioneers -T. and D. T...yne. Sheffield, farmers-Huntly and Tolbuys. Drury Lane, cloth-pressers -Blackett and Robinson, Leeds, commission-merchants.


Bradley, Cheltenham, stmw-bounermanufacturer-Brasaingtm, Stafford, out of business-Parker, Worcester, tobacco-dealer-Driver, Calverley, Yorkshire, cloth

manufacturerMorley, Keighley. Yorkshire. gardenerPoole, Dorringion Street, Clerkenwell, musicalinstrument.maker-Prothero. thicken& Glamorganshire. draper -Davis, Cursitor Street. paiuter -Aston. Red Lion Passage. Holboru, butcher-Hawksbee. Camden Street, Islington, out of business-Levick, King Street, Cheapsitle, lace

joiner. BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED. BARTLEY, JOHN, Height, Lancashire, shopkeeper.


BOURPOT. CHARLES. td ESPIIrENT DE LA VELLESBASNET. WILLIAM, otherwise WILLIAM ESPIVENT, Colemau Street Buildings, merchants. to surrender Oct. 12. Nov. 17 : solicitor. Mr. Taylor, Funiival's Inn; official assignee. Mr. Gibson. Basinghall Street. BRINISMEAD. Graeae. Bideford, Devoushire, retailer of flour. Oct 14, Nov. 16 : solicitors, Mews. Hawkins and Co. New Boswell Court ; and Mr. Turner, Exeter ; official assignee, Mr. Hertzel, Exeter. Burrorrr, THOmAS, New City Chambers, timber merchant, Oct. 17, Nov. 17: solicitors, Messrs. Newbon and Evaus, Wardrobe Place, Doctor's Commons; official assignee. Mi. Green, Aidermanbury.

Iltrox Es, WILUAM. Plascoch. M erionethshire. slate-merchant, Oct. 16, Nov. 14 : solicitors, Messrs. Price and Bolton. 1,iucoln's Inn ; Mr. Atkinson, Liverpool ; and Mr. Davies, Machynlleth, Montgomeryshire; official assignee, Mr. Carenove, Lit erpool.

Havzincx, Wstran, South Shields. Durham, carver, Oct. 11, Nov. 23: solicitors, Mr. Wilson. South Shields ; and Mr. Hodgion, Broad Street Buildings ; official assig. nee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle upon Tyne.

Joss', OWEN, Liverpool. draper, Oct. 13. Nov. 14 : solicitors, Messrs. Sale and Worthington, Manchester ; and Messrs Baxter and Co. Lincoln's Inn; official assiguee, Mr. Follett, Liverpool. SOUTHERN, James, Birmiugham, grocer, Oct. 17. Nov. 13: solicitors. Messrs. Morecroft and Sou, Liverpool; Mr. Harrison and Son. Birmingham ; and Messrs. Chester and Toulmin. Staple Inn; official assignee. Mr. Bittleston. Birmingham.

Sexes. Joist Mill Bridge, Birstall, Yorkshire. corn-miller, Oct. 14, Nov. 2: so'icitors, Messrs. Dunning and Stawman. Leech....official assignee, Mr. Hope, Leeds.

WOoDWARD, WILLIAM, Hanimersmith, builder, Oct. 18, Nov. 16: solicitor, Mr. Bird, New luu, Strand; official assiguee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane.


Oct. 27, Cockburn, New Broad Street, merchant-Oct. 24, Thompson, St. Andrew's Road, Newington, builder-Oct. 24, Thoms, Warwick Square, printer-Oct. 24. Horend, Paradise Street, Lambeth, builder-Oct. 24, Stirton, Chandos Street, grocer-Oct. 24, Chalk. Linton, Cambridgeshire, draper-Oct. 24, Gilby. Greeuwich, wine merchantOct. 25, Ward, Illackfriars Road, draper -Oct. 24. Chapman, Aylesbury. grocer-Nov. 2, Sadler, Cheltenham, linendraper Oct. 26, Atkinson and Laidman, Penrith, Cumberland, bankers-Oct. 30, Humble, Ardwick, Lancashire, grocer-Oct. 30, B. and J. H. Jamea. Manchester. tanners-Oct. 27. Casacaberta, Manchester, merchant Nov. 2, Hare, Corby, 1.incolushire. liquor merchant-Nov. 2. Wright and Co. Tunstall, earthenware manufacturers-Nov. 2, Jones, Stafford, bookseller.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. Oct. 26, Griffiths, Enfield, draper Oct. 26, Walter, Oundle, Northamptonshire, grocer-Oct. 26, Jeffcoat, East Harding Street, bookbinder-Oct. 26, J. and J. Baylis, Gutter Lane, crape-nnumfacturers-Oct. 26, Walton, Crowland, wheelwright-Oct.

26, Harris, Chichestar, hotel keeper-Nov. 10, Cooper, Drury Lane, iron-founderNov. 7, Bromley, Little Bentley. Esaex. maltster -Oct..25, Almond, Orrell, Lancashire, coal.dealer -Oct. 27, Law and Co. Rochdale, flannel-manufacturers. To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on or before Oct. 24.

Barwise, Pall Mall. 'house-decorator -Topham, Manchester, woollen-merchantJ. B. and W. Robinson, Macclesfield, ironmongers States, Southampton, hotelkeeper-Smith, Newcastle.upon-Tyne, grocer-Higgs, Watling Street, cheesemongerRoome, Gracechurch Street, cutlery.ageut-Napper, Upper Stamford Street, generaldealer Stewart, Skinner Street, Bishaspsgate. brewer-Paseo, Nine Elms, coal-dealer Whitaker, New Church, Lancashire, woollen-manufacturer.


Robson, Durham. miller ; first div. of 6s. on Saturday Oct. 14, or any succeediug Saturday ; Mr. Baker, Newcastle upon-Tyne-Smith. Bishopswearmouth, merchant; third and final div. of 51st. and 1-4th of a id, on Saturday Oct. 14, or any sabsequent Saturday: Mr. Baker, Newcastle upou.Tyne-Smith, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, grocer ; second and final div. of Id. on Saturday Oct. 14, or any subsequent Saturday; Mr. Baker, Newcastle upon.Tyne-Guildford, North Shields, shipowner; third div. of 3s. 6d. on Saturday Oct. 14, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Baker, Newcastle uponTyne-Pitt. Cheltenham, banker; first and anal die. of 2s. on Wednesday Oct. 18, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Morgan, Bristol.

Friday, Oct. 6.


Ward and Co. Montague Close, oil-merchants-Haigh and Hinckliffe. Huddersfield, blacksmiths-Laucefield and Co. Camberwell, butchers-Hudson and Co. Manchester, calico-printers-King and Sons, Rochdale, fustian. manufacturers ; aster as regards H. King-Tapp and Agars. Kingston-upon-Hull, woollen-drapers-Shipman and Catlin. Mansfield, grocers-Maughan and Atkinson. Sheffield, mercers-Barker and England. Huddersfield, atturnies-Naylor and Robertson. Liverpool, pawnbrokersGardiner and Butler. Boxford, fellmougers-Ponsouby and Son, Regent Circus, carvers -Egerton Dee Works, Egerton, Lancashire-Edwards and Co. Wrexham, linendrapers -Holder and Lawton, Sutton. trimming-manufacturers-Mills and Co. Rochdale, coal. proprietors-Sharp and Co. Horsham, butchers.'


Aarker. York, out of business-Webster. Blackburn. joiner-Massey, Hough. Cheshire. farmer-Lane, South Shields, Excise-officer-Cook. St. Alban's, blacksmith Cumming, Matlock, Derbyshire, out of business-Stigger, Kingsuown, Kent, blacksmith-Starters. Hatton Wall, carpenter-Smith, Leaisham Road, butcher-Mitchell, Manchester Buildings. clerk-Stockbridge, Pickering Place, Paddington, builder.


Beeman, JAMES, Westminster Road, irou.merchent, to surrender Oct. 17, Nov. 15: solicitor, Mr. Tucker, Threadneedle Street : official assignee, Mr. Lackingtou, Cole. man Street Buildings. BROKER, Jous, Southampton Row, Bloomsbury, carver, Oct. 20, Nov. 21; solicitor, Mr. May, Queen Square; official assignee, Mr. Turquand. Old Jewry Chambers. BULLMAN. EDWARD Kmitros. Leeds, cabinet-maker, Oct. 17. Nov.7 : solicitors, Mr. Watson, Worship Street ; and Mr. Sykes,.Leeds; official assignee, Mr. Feame, Leeds. Gomm, SAMUEL, Liverpool, merchant, Oct. 16, Nov. 17: solicitors, Mews. Gregory and Co. Bedford Row; and Messrs. Rogerson and Radcliffe, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Liverpool. Mum, JOSEPI4, St. Mary Axe, builder. Oct. 12, Nor. 17: solicitors, Messrs. Newbon and Evans, Doctors Commons ; official assignee, Mr. Johusou, Basiughall Street. KEELING, GEORGE, Manchester, brewer, Oct. 26, Nov. 9 solicitor, Mr. Grundy, Manchester ; official assignee, Mr. Pott, Manchester. Ntrrema.. PETER Amin:4, Chalk Road, newspaper-vender, Oct. 17, Nov. 21: solicitor, Mr. Wright, Lyon's Inn ; official assignee, Sir. Graham, Coleman Street.


Nov. 2, Saddler, Cheltenham, linendraperNov 1, Fisher, Bradford, Yorkshire, linendraper-Nov. 1, Watson, York. silk-mercer-Nov. 2, Pearson, Sheffield, winemerchant-Nov. 9, R. and J. Campion, Whitby, bankers-Nov. 9. J. and W. Campion, Whitby, shipbuilders-Oct. 31, Brown anti Powell. Stubbius-within-Tottington, Lancashire, calico-printers-Oct 31, Hillary, Ewaurig Hall, Cumberlaud, irion

founders. CERTIFICATES To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the& y of meeting.

Oct. 27, Stetter, Oxford, bootmaker-Oct 27, Salter, Davies Street, builder-Oct. 27, Fortune, King's Cross, cabinet-manufacturer-Nov, 9, Pullen, St. George, Glocestershire, brewer-Nov. 2, Parsons, Poutardawe, Glamorgausbire, ironfounderOct. 28, Reynolds and Fairbank-Oct. 28, Heatlacote, Sheffield, spring-knife.mannfacturer -Oct 31, Parry, Mold, Flintshire, draper-Oct. 28, Brill, Blythe Marsh, Staffordshire. farmer. Tu be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or be/lire Oct.27. Webber. Wood Street, warehouseman-Watts, Holboru, victualler-Henderson, St. George, Gloucestershire, manufacturing chemist-Thomson, Leadenhall Street. merchant-Bowie, Shoe Lane, grocer-Bolton. Kingston-upon-Hull, corn-merchautCrosbie, Sutton. Cheshire, tea dealer-Dobson, Kidderminster, carpet-manufacturerGallop, Bristol. painter -Aslett. South Stoneham, Hampshire. grocer-Maidlow, Finchley, builder-Beacley, Birrniughaan, draper -C. and T. Cooper, Stroud, Kent, fellmongers-J. and E. Butt, Mortimer Sreet, linendrapers-Oram, Chard, Somersetshire,

lace-manufactures. DECLARATION Os DIVIDEND.

Brookbanke, Dudley, mercer-sec. div. of 4s.; Oct. 17th, or any subsequent Tuesday Mr. Fraser, Manchester.


Baows, Az.xxaxnea, Greenock, hairdresser, Oct. 10, Nov. 4. HARDY. Jaunt, Edinburgh. agent. Oct. 9, Nov. 6. HENDRY, Janes, and Caossitz, JAMEs, Kirkaldy, merchants, Oct. , 30. Locrezz. EDMUND BRATIR, Edinburgh. horse-dealer, Oct.9, Nov. Rosa, RHIN, Millicraig, Ross-shire, miller, Oct. 9, 30.