BRITISH Tuesday. (Closing Prices.) Trednes. Thurs.
FUNDS. Saturday Monday 3 per Cent. Consols 941 941 94/ 94* 941 1 94/ Ditto for Account 3 per Cents. Reduced 34 per Ceuta. Reduced 95 shut shut 95 941 941 94/1 941 New 3} per Cents Long Annuities 102 shut 102 102/ 102 101/ a 102
Bank Rock, 7 per cent.
India Stock, 10/
267 267
Exchequer Bills, ltd. p. diem 62 pm. 60 61 60 61 61 Judie Bonds. 31 per cent 66 pm. 66 68 66 67 ,. 67
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Alabama (Sterling) 5 p. Ct.. 70 ; Mexican 5 p. Ct. 34 Austrian 5 114} : Ditto (Deferred) 5 9/ Belgian 5 105: I Michigan 6
Brasilian 5
74 ' Mississippi (Sterling) ...6
Buenos Ayrea — Neapolitan 5
Cuba 6 903 ■ New York (1858) 5 92 Chiller, 6 — I, Ohio 6 87 Columbian of 1824 6 114 Peunsylvania ... 5 55 Danish 3 — ' Peruvian 6 1: 21/ Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) .24 521 , Portuguese 5 70 Ditto (Ditto) 5 981 ex di Ditto (Converted) 431 French Ditto 3 5 - — Ii Russian 5 — I' Spanish 5 114/ 19/ Indiana (Sterling) 5 .! Ditto (Passive)
Illinois 6
— 1 Ditto (Deferred)
Kentucky 6 — South Carolina 5 p. Ct.
Louisiana (Sterling) ....5 — Teauessee 6
Maryland (Sterling) ....5 r 55 United States Bank 15s.
Massachussetts(Sterliug)5 — Virginia. 6
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.)
Rotation Brazilian Imperial , Australasian
_ British North American
50 39 Ditto (St. John del Rey)
lof Colonial
British Iron Loudon and Westminster 224 Candonga ! London Joint Stock
Cobre Copper
161 National of Ireland RAILWAYS
National Provincial
Chelteuham and Great Western — Provincial of Ireland 41/ Edinburgh and Glasgow 51 Union of Australia 28 Eastern Counties St Union of London 91 Grand Juuction
Great Western 854 East and West India 1251 Liverpool and Manchester — London 961 London and Brighton 35E St. Katherine 1951 London and Blackviall
Loudon and Greeuwich
— ' Australian Agricultural
London and Birmingham 218 British American Land.......
London and Croydon
MancheAer and Leeds 821 General Steam 28 Midland Counties 80 New Zealand
North Midland 82 Royal Mail Steam
South-eastern and Dover 26/ South Australian
South-western 65 i Van Diemen's Laud
Gold, Foreign la Bars ...per oz. 81. I70. 94. Copper, British Cakes.per ton lit0s.Odt.379 0 0 Old Spanish. or Pill. Dollars.. 0 0 0 Iron, British Bars 5 5 0 0 0 0 Mexican Dollars 0 4 91 Lead, British Pig 16 0 0 -.16 13 0 Silver in Bars, Standard 0 4 lle Steel, English 0 0 0 0 0 9
GRAIN, Mark Lane, October 6.
The quantity of English Wheat reported during the week is rather large, but there is 'very little left in hand this morning. The trade has been devoid of animation since Monday, but there is no material variation in prices. We have a moderate arrival of Foreign Wheat, and the demand continues very limited for free parcels, though holders are reluctant to make any concession in prices. In same few instances perhaps the trade is a trine cheaper. Barley meets a slow sale for every description, whilst in grinding samples we note a reduction of Is. per quarter. Beans and Peas are taken off quite in retail, and the value of both ankles is somewhat reduced. The Malt trade is dull, and rather cheaper for secondary qualities, but in Flour no ca. nation.
Maple 31 LOSS Oats, Feed . . 16 tots White 12 . 64 Fine .. . 18 .. 19 Boilers 35 .• 87 Poland . ...H. . 21 Beans, Ticks 15 .. 17 Film St.. 22 Old 26 .. 29 Potato.. .... 21 . 23 Harrow 28 .. SO Fine ..... 23 .. 14 DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN For the present Week.
Wheat 18s. Orli Rye lOs. 64
Barley 7 0 Beans 10 6 Oats 7 0 Peas 9 0
BUTTER-Best Fresh. us. 6d. per doz. Carlow, at, 12a. to 81.18s. per cwt. BACON, Small Old, per cwt. Oe. Cts.
CHEESE, Ceiphire 441s. to 811s.
Derby Pla/lf • 46s, to bAs, HAMS, York 69s. to Ns.
EGGS, French... per 150 45. Bd to O.. 94.
York Reds perils 80s. to 1.00s. Scotch Reds 40 ..... 70
Devons 44 ... 76 Kant and Essex Whites al -44
NEWGATE AND LEADENHALL.• SMITHFIELD.* Beef 2s. 6d to lis. Od. to 33. ad. 2s. 84. to 85 4d. to Sr. 104. 2 8 .. 3 0 . 3 6 3 0 .. 3 4 .. 4 8
3 2 .. 3 0 .. 4 4
Vest 08 2 8 .. 3 4 .. 4 0
Pork 2 8 .. 3 8 .. 4 0 6 6 . 4 0 „ 4 8
Lamb 0 0 .. 0 0 .. 0 0 • To sink the offal-per albs. HEAD OF CATTLE AT SMITHFIELD. Calves. Sheep. Pigs. 6,545 246 363
8,620 ........ 30400 ....... III ......., 550
:Oda% y
HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)
CUMBERLAND. SMITHFIELD. PORTMAN. WHITECHAPEL; 804... 905 ..... 70.... 80s.. .. Os... OS 404 .. 445. 0 .. 0 0 .. 0 SO .. 113 90 .. 100 0.. 0 .. .. 40 ., 1013
00 .. 33 28 .. 36 0 .. 0 es ., SS
RaziOaL per alai il. 17s. Od 0 0 0
Linseed Oil 1 It 8
Linseed Oil Cake . per 1000 0 0 0 CANDLES, per dozen, Oa Od. tees. Od. Moulds (itd. per doz.diseount) 0n. 5d, COALS, Hetton Ile. Bd.
Tees 17s. 9d. Wheat, RedNew40 t o 46 Fine 48 .. 52 Old 38 .. 4t White 44.. 48 Fine 52 .. 54 SupertineNew 52 .. 56 Rye 29 to 821 Barky .... 65 .• Se Malting 29 .36 1 Malt, Ordinary 50 .. 51 Fine 56 .. 60
Peas, Hog.... 99 .. 30
AVERAGE PRICES OP CORN. Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wales.
Wheat 52s. ea 'Rye 30s. 84 Barley.81 7 Beans ... 81 5
Oats 19 3 Peas Ws 0
Town-made ...... ..•.......per sack 455. to 50s. Seconds 40 45 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 35 40 Norfolkand Stockton 30 35 BRAN per quarter Os. to Os. PO L LA RD. fine Os. to Os.
BREAD , dd. to 044. the 4 lb. Loaf.
Kent Pockets.
Choice Ditto Sussex Pockets Superfine Ditto 105,10 112s. 116 -126 100 105 106 110 Hay, Good Inferior New Clover Wheat Straw
TEA. Bolles, tine, p. lb. Os. 0.1. -0 0. Congou, fine . ..... 1 9 5 0 Souchong, fins .......1 8 3 0
ts Rand-Ditty 2s. Id . per lb.
COFFEE, fine (in bd) per cwt. 193s. to 1411 Good Ordinary 74$. SLIGAR,/duseovado . per cwt.84..104. West India Molasses. V3s.t0 tel.