7 OCTOBER 1843, Page 9



We have again to notice a considerable fall in the prices of the Public Securities; which commenced on Tuesday morning with the sale of 30,000/. Consols for Account, by a broker who is known to act for parties possessing good information. Various rumours were immediately current as to the cause of this operation ; but as none of them have proved true, they are not worth repeating. There is, however, a prevalent feeling of uneasiness as to the state of Wales and Ireland, which leads to a belief that the Government are about to adopt stringent measures for the suppression of both the Repeal and the Rebecca agitations. The depression in the prices of the Fends has been about percent; but as this decline has not been the result of any extensive or influential sales, but merely arising from a sort of panic, we are not inclined to put much faith in the reported causes of the depression, or in its duration : indeed, symptoms of reaction have already occurred ; and Consols, after being at 94b both for Money and Account, have reached 94h, while the closing price is 941 The premium of Exchequer Bills is the same. The various Stocks, the books ot which have been closed for the Dividends, will open for private transfer on Wednesday next. The statement of the quarter's revenue, which will also ofpear on that clay, will be looked for with some interest ; and if, as is reported, there be an increase of nearly 500,000/. in the Excise, we may hail such an occurrence as one of the most pleasing indicationg of a commercial revival. The business of the Foreign Market has not been more extensive than usual. An impulse has today been given to Mexican Bonds, by the reported arrival of 160,000 dollars on account of the Dividends ; but as it turned out that only 58,000 were remitted for that purpose, the price, which had risen per cent, has fallen to the previous quotation. A meeting of the Bondholders was this afternoon held at the City of London Tavern, to determine upon the course to be recommended for general adoption in respect to the partial payment of the dividend proposed by the agents; when it was resolved to recommend the acceptance of the terms proposed for the liquidation both of the April and October dividends. Much dissatisfaction was expressed at the general conduct of the agents ; and a vote of censure upon them was proposed and carried. The object of the course recommended by the meeting is to denude the Bonds entirely of the Coupons of April and October 1843; thus leaving no over-due Coupons attached to them. Tie amount in money which the agents propose to pay is 33 per cent upon the first, and 50 per cent upon the last : the holder of 100 Stock will thus reesite 21. lx. 8d. for the two dividends, exchanging the Coupon of the April dividend with the agents for an equivalent amount of Stock, and retaining the Coupon of October, (which will be marked as having been partially paid,) until some arrangement shall be made for retiring the unliquidated part of it.

Scarcely any business or variation of prices has occurred in the other descriptions of Stock current ; the quotations of which differ today but slightly from those of last week.

1Ve cannot notice any fluctuations of importance in the Railway Shares; which hare generally been steady, with a fair quantity of real business. SATURDAY, TWELVE &mom

There is scarcely any business doing in either the English or Foreign Funds, and prices are the same as yesterday. The Share business has been confined to the following Railways—South-western, 65; Manchester and Leeds, 83k; North Midland, 81; Paris and Rouen, 274.

3 per Cent. Consols

Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced

31 per Cent Ditto

New 31 per Cents 941 4 943 1 101i 2 shut shut Cliiiian Deferred C.dumlnau 6 per Ceats 1824 ex Venezuela Danish 3 per Ceats ......

Dutch 21 per Gents

42 43

14 lit

86 7 fin 31

Bank Stock —

Ditto 5 per Cents

981 t Exchequer Bills prem. 61 64 Mexican 5 per Cents 341 India Stock _ Portuguese New 5 p Cts.1841 43 1 Brazilian 5 per Cents 72 6 Russian 5 per Cents 114 116 Belgian 5 per Cents 1041 51 Spanish (Active) 3 per Cents 191 1 Chiliatt 6 per Cents 98 99 Dino 3 per Cents 1842 261 I

SATURDAY, Two o'czoces The English Funds close at the morning's quotation ; an advance of h per cent occurred during the afternoon, but it has not been supported. The Foreign Funds are without material fluctuation. The transactions in Shares have been of a very general character, as will be seen by the following record of business actually done. National Bank of Ireland, 14 i : Mining—Bolanos, 5 I; Dal Monte, Unregistered, 4i. I; United Mexican Scrip, 3i. 3; Ditto, New, Scrip, 4; Railways—Eastern Counties, si; Brighton, 36; Birmingham, 218; South-western, 64 &; Croydon, 1 hi it ; Ditto, Sciip, 4-i ; Northern and Eastern, 39, 8, 40b, 41; Ditto, Quarter Shares, 141 ; North Midland, Si; South-eastern and Dover, 26&; Ditto, Scrip,

26b; York and North Midland, 105. .