The Paris correspondent of the Standard says, it is strongly
suspected that Mr. O'Connell, in talking about an Irish brigade for Henry the Fifth, has let the cat out of the bag ; for the National of Thursday publishes a printed paper, which bad been secretly distributed in the churches of Paris, and which is in the form of a neuvaine for that Prince: it is entitled " Neuvaine commeneant le 29 Septembre, fete de St. Michel, et finissant he 7 Octobre, jour de St. Remy." The litanies run in this form—" St. Mary, Queen of Angels and Protectress of France, pray for him "—" St. Henri, his patron : pray for him." A prayer, addressed to St. Michel, who flung the Dragon "from his usurped throne," follows, saying "Manifest your powers once more : succour the young king in the difficult combat he has to sustain."